Learning in Term 4


Class Newsletter: Term 4

 Mrs Given (P2M)

 Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either of us.

Learning in Term 3:

Lots of our work in term 3 focused on our topic about our bodies. The children’s learned about the skeleton and major organs in the body, including the brain, heart, lungs and digestive system. We also learned about our senses. Another focus through this term was on one of our school values, resilience, and have continued to build our resilience throughout the term.

In writing, we were continuing to focus on good quality sentences, with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Children developed their use of connectives such as and, but and because. The children also became better at self-identifying errors in their writing. As a class, we particularly enjoyed writing about some of our favourite stories, including Giraffes Can’t Dance and The Fish Who Could Wish.

In maths, our main focus was fractions. We benefitted from working with a principal maths teacher. We looked at solving fractions problems using practical materials. We also learned about multiplication, money and measurement of length, volume and weight. We continued to develop our mental maths skills, focusing on addition through 10 (e.g. 8 + 4 = 8 + 2 + 2), and doubles and near doubles ( e.g. 7 + 8 = 7 + 7 + 1).

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic Food and Farming we will be learning about:

  • Where food comes from
  • What plants need in order to grow and develop
  • Different types of agriculture in Scotland and our local area
  • Healthy food choices

If you have any experience in this area, please let us know. We would love to have some ‘experts’ come in to share in our learning journey.

Core Literacy:

  • As you are aware, we are continuing with our Read Write Inc programme for phonics and spelling. We are now using Storyworld books and other texts for our reading, along with our class novel, to help develop reading and comprehension skills.
  • We will be discussing the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts, learning about the words that authors use and how it makes us feel and/or the effect it has on the text. We will also be recognising facts and opinions.
  • Our writing lessons will have a focus on imaginative writing this term. We will be writing about a character, a setting and creating a simple story with a beginning, middle and end. We will also be developing our handwriting skills.
  • We will continue to work on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings and sharing our news at circle time.

Core Numeracy:

This term will be focusing on

  • Division using practical materials
  • Subtraction
  • Using symbols for more than (>), less than (<) and equals (=)
  • Chance and uncertainty, i.e. how likely is something to happen

We will also be learning about Islam.

Health and Wellbeing:

This term we are learning about:

  • Food and health
  • Relationship, sexual health and parenthood. Details to follow.

Yellow Wing Cuddle on the Couch:

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Cuddle on the Couch. Come along to the Yellow Wing and spend some time reading with your child. Details to follow.

School Trip:

This year P2 will be visiting Briarlands Farm on Tuesday 14th May. Your child has received a letter about the trip which includes all of the details.

Lost Property:

We are aware that children sometimes misplace jumpers and other items of clothing. Please ensure that your child’s name is on every piece of clothing that comes into school. Children are given opportunities to find their property in class and throughout the school. If your child comes out of school without some of their belongings, they will be given the opportunity to retrieve their property the next day.

Other Information

Homework will be given out on a Monday and should be returned to school on Thursday.

Golden Diaries go home each Friday. Please look at how well your child is doing and sign it before helping your child remember to return it to school on Monday.

Your child can bring in a water bottle to drink during the day. Please make sure this is filled with water and not juice.

I am looking forward to teaching P2M for the last term of P2. Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Kind regards,

Mrs Given