Tag Archives: Literacy

P4W have been busy!

P4W have started their final term before our summer holidays with a bang! We visited Stirling Castle to round off our previous Context for Learning on Castles, we had a great day! Check out some of our pictures below:


This term, our new Context for Learning is the Human Body! We had to work together as team to put together different clues to figure out what it could be. We then completed our plan and thought about what things we would like to learn.  We decided we want to find out why we have a funny bone, how we laugh, how we breathe and lots more!



So far, we have had a look inside our bodies at all of our internal organs. Look at some of our pictures below when we pretended to be surgeons and put our classmates back together!:

In Numeracy this term, we’ll be focusing on measuring, angles, position and movement and our multiplication tables. In Literacy, we will be looking at different punctuation in our sentences and improving our WOW words in our imaginative stories. We’ll also be using our Context for Learning to write reports and instructions on how to keep ourselves fit and healthy. We will also be taking part in different STEM activities to do with the Human Body and learning some more French before the end of the school year.

As 2018 is the year of the World Cup, P4W have also decided to have a mini-Context for Learning about Russia 2018. We will have a country who are taking part in the World Cup this year to research and will take it in turns to report on the different games that have taken place. We’re sad that Scotland didn’t qualify this year!

‘Blown Away’ with Autumn Poetry!

P4W have been working really hard this week, creating their own Autumn poems using our senses.

On Tuesday, we went for a walk around the school playground and worked with a small group to collect words that described things that we could see, hear, smell and touch. We also collected some items including different coloured leaves and pine cones which we decided could contribute to our display.

Tiana and Lewis used their sense of touch to help them collect words.
Jack and Darren found some fantastic coloured leaves to help them with their poems.
We worked in small groups and used our senses to collect words to help us with our plan.
We walked through the leaves that were piled up in the playground and listened carefully for the noise they made.

On Wednesday, we shared the words that we collected and discussed different Autumn poems that Miss Wozniak found. We also looked at the features of poetry and found that not all poems have to rhyme.

Here are some of our fantastic creations:

Leaves, leaves in the breeze,
They woosh and wiggle in the trees.
When Autumn blows, they move around,
Until they hear a crunching sound.
Woosh, all the leaves are gone,
Until next Autumn,
It feels so long.
By Sarah M

Leaves in the trees,
Falling by the breeze.
The leaves dance in the breeze,
As they fall to the ground.
It smells like chocolate and Halloween treats.
It feels like peaceful raindrops and Bonfire Night.
By Liam N

Autumn, Autumn, I smell you,
You smell like little leaves.
Autumn, Autumn, I hear you,
You sound like leaves swaying in the breeze.
Autumn, Autumn, I see you,
You look like leaves on the ground.
Autumn, Autumn, I taste you,
You taste like Belgian Buns.
Autumn, Autumn, I feel you,
You feel like crunching leaves.
By Niamh C

As an extra challenge, we also created some fantastic acrostic poems too:

All the leaves
nder trees
urn red and orange
nusual black dots
oving in the sky 
ature is the best
By Millie W

Autumn is cold
sually red and orange
weet, tweet, the birds are disappearing
sually rustling in the wind
agically changing colour
o birds to be seen
By Jack S

Always the red and brown leaves 
nusually, some pink and purple fall
inkling in the grass
pside down and the right way around
ystically up and down 
othing can stop them dancing
By Michael R