This week.

This week we have been making suits of armour, maps and hanging portraits on the wall. The past few weeks we have been reading “Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors”. We have stripped the writing wall in our classroom and we are putting up brick panels.Yesterday we were making frames for the portraits we made them by cutting the shape of the frame out of cardboard then we stuck stuff like pasta shells with glue then we painted them after the glue had dried.


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="200" height="267" allowfullscreen="true" /]

If you want more info listen to our voki.

One thought on “This week.”

  1. Your Voki animation is fantastic and I am really looking forward to seeing your tessellation designs! All the classrooms on the top floor are really taking shape. Your picture frames are amazing and you have all demonstrated your creativity and ability to follow a design brief yet again. Well done!

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