Tag Archives: spicy

Camouflage – Science

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

I have been looking at all your artwork from last week and this week and it looks fantastic! After seen so many activities related to nature, it made me think of something super fun that you could try at home. It is going to be a big challenge because you will need to be very careful and detailed. Also, it is going to be such a fun challenge, I am already smiling thinking of all the great ideas you might have.

Let’s Begin!


What do you think these 3 animals have in common?

Leaf Tailed Gecko

Mountain Hare



Well done! All of them use their skin to protect themselves from predators, this is called Camouflage. The Mountain Hare changes its fur to white for winter season and brown for the other seasons.

Now, quick challenge, click below and see how fast you can spot the camouflaged animals.

BBC – Earth: How quickly can you spot these camouflaged animals?


Many animals try to hide or blend in with the background to protect themselves from predators, even big animals do it. Even though, some animals can not change the colour of their skin they use other strategies  and high skills to hide. Click on the following video to learn more.

BBC Bitesize – Camouflage

Your Challenge

Click on the sway to see your challenge.

Go to this Sway


Have fun!

Miss Maturana

Sumdog Competition – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 8

Good morning everyone

If your child has access to their Sumdog account, they can take part in our whole school competition.

The competition starts at 9am today and will finish on Friday at 3.15pm.

The teaching staff will keep an eye on the leaderboard and can offer coins to their class for encouragement!

Good luck!

Art Appreciation Discussion – Spicy/Hot

Following on from last week’s ‘Become an Art Critic’ post, I thought we could meet up here to have a discussion regarding the paintings.  You can have another look at them here before adding your comments below:

My personal favourite from the ones I posted is number 5 – ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent van Gogh.  It depicts a moonlit scene with a large cypress tree in the foreground and a small town in the background.  The most noticeable thing is, however, the sky.  The artist has used bold, swirling brushstrokes to create a sense of movement.  This makes me think that he may have been upset or agitated when he was painting this.  The cypress tree in the foreground is buffeted by the wind, perhaps reflecting van Gogh’s own inner turmoil.  It is not a calming painting, but I love the colours and the wildness of the  swirling starry sky.

Let’s hear your thoughts!

Spanish & French Artists- Art Week

 Bonjour! Hola!

Boys and Girls today you will be learning about some famous artists, a bit of their history, where they lived and their most famous pieces of art. To do that, you will see the information on the sways and you will locate every important place in relation to them on Google Earth.

You will be looking at four artists, two from Spain and two from France. They all did amazing pieces of art, some of them you can find them in museums and others you can see from high up in the sky!

Spicy: Look up for the places given in the Sways, write in your journal about the one you thought was most interesting.

Hot: Choose your favourite artist and do some research about him so you can tell us more.

Let’s begin.


-Antoni Gaudí

-Pablo Picasso


-Claude Monet

-Gustave Eiffel


First, a reminder of how to use Google Earth in this sway.

Go to this Sway


Let’s explore these two well known artists by clicking in the sway.

Go to this Sway



Let’s explore these two well known artists by clicking in the sway.

Go to this Sway


Comment about your thoughts and your work.


Five Sense Poem

I found this exercise very relaxing.  My mind was busy thinking about all the different senses and the world around us, so it made it hard to think about anything else in that moment.  This would also be a great strategy to use if you are feeling nervous or tense.  Stop, take a few deep breaths and start to list the things you can see, taste, smell, feel and hear.

I have had some great responses from pupils already.  Some excellent drawings, photographs and paintings displaying the ideas put forward in their poems.

Dance Dance Dance (MILD, SPICY and HOT) #ExpressiveArts #HealthandWellbeing #LiteracyComprehension

Happy Friday Everyone,

Have you had a go at this weeks community challenge yet?

Not to worry you still have time to bust a move or two and send it to your teacher.

I thought i’d help you with some suggestions of dance moves:

Want to keep learning and dancing away, how about you try out our Dance Comprehension work where you watch a range of dances and answer questions on them, click below to carry out this fun activity.

Dance Comprehension 

Feel-Good Friday – Make a Leaf Mask

Now that the trees are in leaf and many of the flowers in our gardens are beginning to bloom, I thought we could try making decorative eye masks using natural materials.

Wearing decorative masks can be traced back to history of Venice and its carnival celebrations. The tradition of mask-wearing started in the 13th century when Venetians held many celebrations and parties.  They would wear elaborate masks to hide their identity, just like you may do at Hallowe’en.

Click on the Sway below to find a step-by-step guide for making your own mask.  It’s very simple, and you need only a few resources.  Remember to ask for an adult’s permission first!


Here is another quick tutorial:  How to make a Leaf Mask

Don’t worry if you can’t find any leaves or flowers – you could cut out leaf and flower shapes from coloured tissue or paper, or even draw your own.

Here is a link to a simple mask template which you can download and print out:   Mask Template

Once your mask is finished, why not make up a short play and then act it out while wearing your mask?  I look forward to seeing all your creations!





Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 7

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – High Rise

Miss Deans will be playing – Animals

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Become an Art Critic – Spicy/Hot

In today’s post, I am challenging you to become an art critic.

An art critic is a person who specialises in analysing, interpreting and evaluating works of art.  Their written reviews are published in newspapers, magazines, books, exhibition brochures, catalogues and on web sites.

In my Sway you will find some hints and tips on becoming an art critic.   You will then have the opportunity to study and assess several well-known paintings.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the paintings, so please come back and discuss them with me on the Blog.  I will be holding an Art Appreciation discussion next week – come along and share your views!


LITERACY: Inferring and Deducing Skills (Using Photographs and Examples from Texts) HOT/SPICY

Hi Everyone,

Nice easy task for you to get your hands on , looking at some important literary concepts that link perfectly to our Expressive Arts theme,

Click the Sway below to work through your Interactive Lesson on Inferring and Deducing Skills.

SPICY learners it would be great for you to give this a go as well 🙂