Tag Archives: literacy

Literacy: MILD: Pete’s Emotions

 Time to look closer into our Featured Story ‘Tidy’

Take the time to read our featured story again, but this time pause each time when something new happens to Pete.

If we think back to our last featured story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’, each crayon wrote a letter expressing their personality and emotions. But in ‘Tidy’ we don’t really get a chance to hear from Pete and how we is feeling.

That means we need to look at the pictures and words more closely.

Pete goes through quite a variety of emotions and there are many examples in ‘Day the Crayons Quit’

An activity you can do is ‘Hot Seating’

The person who goes into the chair, becomes one of the characters in this instance it could be Pete or one of the animals watching Pete in the forest.

Whoever is not sitting in the hot seat can ask you questions relating to what has happened in the story.

Think of a variety of questions that start with the W5 (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

Another activity is ‘Thought Bubbles’

You can take the emotions you were discussing with family in hot seating and use them in creating a thought bubble.

With a bit of paper draw out a thought a bubble and write inside what Pete or one of the animals might be feeling. Remember to explain why, when we discuss the answer to why it is a good idea to use the word ‘because’.

I have given this activity an attempt taking a photo of me holding the thought bubble and showing the emotion to match.

Can you guess which part of the story my photos match to?

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I look forward to seeing how you get on, send in your photos of your thought bubbles or add them to your sway.


As tomorrow is a holiday, we won’t have another Feel-Good Friday activity until next week.  However, I thought I’d set you a Literacy challenge to keep you going over the long weekend.

Today’s challenge is all about finding one word which links with each of three other words.

Click on the Sway below to access the quiz and to find out what to do.

It’s a tricky one, so good luck!

Have a lovely weekend.  🙂


Literacy: MILD: Bee Fact Files with Special Guests!

It’s time to get writing!

I have enlisted the help of some amazing bee keepers to help us with this grid task. From just a small request they have produced an amazing amount of videos filled with lots of facts for us to listen to!

To help with writing the factfile there is also the youtube link on the grid. In the sway at the beginning you will see a checklist you can use when watching the videos. When we are listening out for facts it is always a good idea to know what you are listening out for.

Please enjoy the interview with our special guest! 

Bee Keepers Go LIVE!

Are you ready to start writing? 

In your journal you will need a blank page.

You can save the top of the page for when we do our picture and labelling next week.

You can choose how many sentences filled with facts you would like to write.

If you are describing the bee…. your sentence may start with.

It has… 

The bee has… 

If you are telling us about where it lives… your sentence may start with.

It lives in… 

The bee stays in… 

You can find bees in… 


If you are telling us about what the bee does… your sentence may start with.

The bee will… 

The bee must… 

Bees can… 

If you are telling us some interesting facts… I’m going to leave that to you as you might find a fact our bee keepers or myself have never heard of.

Enjoy writing your factfiles with the help of our Amazing Bee Keepers! 

Literacy – Reading Activity – Hot

Our focus for the next two weeks will be on articles related to Climate ChangeThe following activity focuses on the article titled ‘Climate change: Carbon vacuums and kinetic pavements – five ways tech is fighting climate change’

Here is a link that will take you directly to the article – https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51388287

Everything that you will need to complete this activity can be found in the Sway below.

Remember to share your work with your class teacher via Seesaw or their Glow email.


New Learning Grids for Monday 4th May – Friday 15th May

Drum roll…

It’s ECO FORTNIGHT at Methlick School. For the next two weeks we will have a focus on all things ECO related.

We hope you are all managing to find some routine and familiarity with the blog and grid activities and we love seeing all your hard work. Thank you for sharing it all and keep working hard.

4th May Literacy

4th May Numeracy

4th May HWB

Remember we all believe that having a growth mindset is very important so the activities are organised into levels.



and Hot!

Where will you start?

Let’s try many attempts, leap into the learning pit and learn from our mistakes to achieve GREAT things!

The teachers will be sharing their attempts!

Keep checking the blog and please leave COMMENTS  and send your work to your teacher via email/Seesaw or add to your Sway so we can stay connected.

Thank you.

Mrs Fraser and the teachers!

Anagrams – Spicy/Hot – Ms Rees

As my class knows, I love all kinds of puzzles such as crosswords and sudoku.  Working out anagrams is another of my favourites so, as an extra challenge this week, I thought you might like to  find the answers to the anagrams I’ve created.

If you haven’t heard of anagrams before, don’t worry –  the sway explains everything.

You might like to do this with the rest of your family to see who is first to find all the answers.  Set a timer and have a whole-family challenge!



‘The Book of Hopes’ – free online resource

Good morning, everyone.

Yesterday I came across this free online resource which I thought might be of interest, particularly to the older classes.  It is a collection of over 100 short stories, poems, essays and pictures from well-known authors,  poets and illustrators, all with the underlying theme of ‘Hope’.

The book, which is completely free, is dedicated to the doctors, nurses, carers, porters, cleaners and everyone currently working in hospitals.

Some of the stories are very thought-provoking, while others are amusing and guaranteed to cheer you up if you’re feeling down.

I hope you enjoy reading them.

The Book of Hopes

Literacy – VE Day poetry – Spicy/Hot

Good morning, everyone. Today I have an extra Reading and Writing task for you.

Click on the link at the end of this post to read two poems which were written about VE Day.  The first was written in 1945 when the war ended.  The poet was 11 years old at the time.  The second was written 60 years later, as she reflected once again on VE Day.

When you are reading the poems, discuss any unfamiliar words with an adult or look them up in a dictionary and write the meanings in your Home Learning journal.  Then, think about the following questions:

  1.  Do you notice any differences or similarities between the poems?  What are they?
  2. Which poem did you prefer and why?
  3. Was there anything you didn’t like about the poems?
  4. How do you think YOU would have felt at the end of the war?
  5. Next, write your own poem to commemorate VE Day, as if you were there at the time. Try to convey your feelings, knowing that the war is finally over.
  6. Remember to include adjectives, similes, onomatopoeia, etc. to bring your poem to life for the reader.
  7. You can choose any format you wish – acrostic, free verse, shape poem, haiku – and it can be rhyming or non-rhyming.

I look forward to reading them.

VE Day poems


Spicy – Literacy – Writing no.3

I selected ‘The Six-Legged Spider’ as my focus.  It contained a conflict between the main character, the spider, and a long list of employers.

This was the front cover I redesigned.  This was my second attempt.  On my first try I included some of the challenges she faced in the story, but then I thought it might give to much of the plot away, so I had another go.

I looked at some other blurbs before writing mine. I came across some that didn’t give too much away, but made you want to look inside to find out more.  I tried to keep mine similar to this, as well as short and sweet!

I can’t wait to see what you come up with Spicy writers! You can show yours to your teachers over on your Sway Journals or on Seesaw. 📝