New Learning Grids for Monday 4th May – Friday 15th May

Drum roll…

It’s ECO FORTNIGHT at Methlick School. For the next two weeks we will have a focus on all things ECO related.

We hope you are all managing to find some routine and familiarity with the blog and grid activities and we love seeing all your hard work. Thank you for sharing it all and keep working hard.

4th May Literacy

4th May Numeracy

4th May HWB

Remember we all believe that having a growth mindset is very important so the activities are organised into levels.



and Hot!

Where will you start?

Let’s try many attempts, leap into the learning pit and learn from our mistakes to achieve GREAT things!

The teachers will be sharing their attempts!

Keep checking the blog and please leave COMMENTS  and send your work to your teacher via email/Seesaw or add to your Sway so we can stay connected.

Thank you.

Mrs Fraser and the teachers!

12 thoughts on “New Learning Grids for Monday 4th May – Friday 15th May”

  1. Right now I’m doing countdown while singing along to Queens album Queen Rocks. Its pretty calming I’m onto my second sheet but I’m using the backs as well I hope you have had a good day. :):):)

    1. That sounds like a great day, Greig. I hope you had a lovely weekend with your family. Let us know how you get on with the Maths activities that were posted on the blog today.

    1. I think your Sway is brilliant, Greig Well done on making it and I can see you have been working so hard. Well done!

    1. Lovely songs Evie and Finlay, thank you for sharing them! They will have me singing along all day today. 🙂

    2. I’ve just listened to them. They’re so catchy! I hope everyone listens along too – they have brightened up my day. 🙂

  2. Can we keep the grids in the same place each fortnight? I clicked on ‘Literacy’ and ‘Numeracy’ shortcuts where the previous ones are updated and these aren’t showing on there. Thanks.

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