Tuck Shop – Spicy – Numeracy – Money

I made a tuck shop at home.  I picked out items to sell and created my own price list.

I then opened the shop up to customers (my family).  They were to pick one item and then pay using a £1 coin.  I then had to work out how much change they would get back.

I used the ’empty number line’ method to work out their change.  After doing this a few times I became more confident and could then use this method in my own head.

I then extended my shop, adding more items and creating a new price list.

During this game the customer was allowed to pick a few items.  I then had to add them up to see how much the total cost would be.  To do this I separated the numbers into tens and units to make the addition part easier to visualise.  Again, this process became easier in my head after practising on paper first.

There are so many strategies we can use to add and subtract.  See how many you can use for this task.  You might have a favourite method.  Let your teacher know it! 😊

Virtual Tour Week 2- Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen #FORALL

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Week 2 of our Virtual Trip Experience, I hope you had a great time at Edinburgh Zoo last week, this week we are going to visit a different tourist attraction around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire every day!

The sway below shows Monday and Tuesdays visits, on Wednesday I will post a new set of visits for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to get your hands on.

MILD: Literacy – Harris the Hero

Time for our final Wildlife friend to join us.

Meet Harris he is a Puffin and on his adventure he meets many animals along the way.

Follow the story and complete our regular tasks, then learn where you can visit to see these animals in person and learn some amazing facts!

You could also go back to Miss Maturana’s post and learn in detail all about puffins!


I Spy and Muddled up Cities with Mrs Webster #PSATakeover (For All)

Fancy having a go at some fun activities courtesy of Scot Rail.



Mrs Webster would love you to have a go and let us know how you get on!

You could colour in your finished pieces too, Enjoy.

Feel-Good Friday – National Galleries of Scotland

Today, rather than posting a Sway, I’m going to share some art activities from the National Galleries of Scotland.

Each week, throughout the lockdown, they have been posting ideas for creative projects for children, including mud painting,  spiral finding, map drawing, and bangle making.

Click on the link to find out more.  Don’t forget to take photos of your artwork and tell your teacher how you got on!

Home is where the art is

Have fun!


Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 4,5 and 6

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your first week of Social Studies fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 4, 5 and 6 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read all three chapters?

Our activities this week:

This week we focused on answering a set of Comprehension questions. You were asked to complete the questions in your Home Learning Journal and share your answers with your class teacher.

In the comments, can you share one of your answers to the questions that were provided?

Money Money Money Numeracy Hot Interactive Lesson.

Hi Everyone,

Some activities to try out all related to Money.


Have you tried out our PIzza Hut Challenge on the Numeracy Grid ?yet if not here it is : You will need both documents.

Pizzahutmenu  and Pizzahutchallengecards 

A game for all the family have you played our Budget Challenge Game on the Numeracy Grid?  This is great fun for all the family.


Fancy being the FIrst MInister for the day? Have a go at spending £10,000 !!

First Minister Budget Challenge

Lots of great activities to try out let us know how you get on!

Anagrams #3 – Scottish Cities, Towns and Villages

In keeping with our ‘Scotland’ theme, here are some more anagrams for you to  unscramble.

This time, the answers are all names of cities, towns and villages around Scotland.  The majority are located in the North-East, though there are a couple from farther away.

Let me know how you get on!

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