Category Archives: Methlick School Staff

Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 2 + 3

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your second week of Expressive Arts fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 2 and 3 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read both chapters?

Our activities this week:

Chapter 2 – Design and draw your version of what you think the Ickabog might look like. Click on the Sway below to see  the illustrations that were sent in.

In Chapter 3, we learned that Fred’s seamstress sadly passes away. Fred appeared to feel guilty for overworking his servant, however his friends, Spittleworth and Flapoon reassured him that he couldn’t be a nicer king. The chapter ended with Fred getting into bed.

In the comments, let’s discuss how Fred might be feeling about the tragic event as he lies in his bed.

Methlick Quiz Continued PSA Takeover (Mrs Still)

Happy Friday Everyone 🙂

Mrs Still has continued on her photo Methlick Quiz, how many can you recognise?

Let us know how you get on!

Methlick Streetview Quiz  

Methlick Streetview Quiz Answers

Graffiti: A Form of Art ?

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would cover an area of art that creates mystery, excitement but also plays a role in our culture and society in positive ways but also unfortunately sometimes in negative ways.

This Sway will go through the history of Graffiti and some tasks along the way including some Critical Questioning and Thinking and a chance to create your own graffiti style art piece.



Symmetry Activities

The following Sway contains a variety of activities for you to practise identifying and creating symmetrical shapes.

Symmetry is all around us – both at home and in the environment – we just need to keep our eyes open and be aware of it!

Have a look at my Sway and try out some of the activities.  Don’t forget to come back and let me know how you got on.  🙂

Camouflage – Science

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

I have been looking at all your artwork from last week and this week and it looks fantastic! After seen so many activities related to nature, it made me think of something super fun that you could try at home. It is going to be a big challenge because you will need to be very careful and detailed. Also, it is going to be such a fun challenge, I am already smiling thinking of all the great ideas you might have.

Let’s Begin!


What do you think these 3 animals have in common?

Leaf Tailed Gecko

Mountain Hare



Well done! All of them use their skin to protect themselves from predators, this is called Camouflage. The Mountain Hare changes its fur to white for winter season and brown for the other seasons.

Now, quick challenge, click below and see how fast you can spot the camouflaged animals.

BBC – Earth: How quickly can you spot these camouflaged animals?


Many animals try to hide or blend in with the background to protect themselves from predators, even big animals do it. Even though, some animals can not change the colour of their skin they use other strategies  and high skills to hide. Click on the following video to learn more.

BBC Bitesize – Camouflage

Your Challenge

Click on the sway to see your challenge.

Go to this Sway


Have fun!

Miss Maturana

Mild – Literacy and Exp Arts – An ending to dance to!

What a fortnight of Tiger Tale writing!

  • You have prowled!
  • Found the main character in your story.
  • Been surprised!
  • And now have a problem in your tale!

Time to write the ‘Tail’ end of your story.

How will the problem be solved?

What type of ending will you choose?

  • funny
  • sad
  • surprising
  • happy

What type of ending have I chosen?


Did you expect that?

The mermaid and the tiger danced till dawn!

Let’s dance to celebrate your fabulous Tiger Tales!!




Mild – Reading – DCA Shorts ‘Tiger’

Every week, since schools have closed, Dundee Contemporary Arts, DCA have been sharing short films from the children’s collection for their annual Film Festivals.

I was delighted when the DCA team shared the film ‘Tiger’ last week. Perfect timing!

(Short films and animations are a type of text that we share and talk about with your children, in a similar way to picture books.)

After watching ‘Tiger’ talk about the questions below.

There are many surprises and problems; funny sound effects and a great ending to discuss. Talking about this might help you when writing your ‘Tiger Tale’

The DCA have also shared the activities they designed for schools.

Take a look! Tiger Activity Pack

I wonder what designs you have on your plates at home?

What might happen if they came to life?



Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello all!

Today’s post is very different and will not focus on my music journey. Instead, we are going to be highlighting the music journey of a family in Methlick School – Harry and Emily.

They both really enjoy their music and even have their own band called The Bubble Rats.

You can listen to two of their songs by clicking on the following link –

Emily wrote and sang all the lyrics herself to the song “Me to you” – Harry sings the backing vocals on “The Bubble Rat Shuffle”. All the voices you will hear are theirs and their dad plays all the instruments.

If you have been playing any music during your Home Learning, we would love to hear about it! Let us know in the comments.

Sumdog Competition – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 8

Good morning everyone

If your child has access to their Sumdog account, they can take part in our whole school competition.

The competition starts at 9am today and will finish on Friday at 3.15pm.

The teaching staff will keep an eye on the leaderboard and can offer coins to their class for encouragement!

Good luck!

MILD: Numeracy – Shadow Puppets with Shapes

The pictures of your drawings that some of you have sent in look amazing.

It is really interesting how a collection of simple shapes can look like an animal.

Today we are going to do the same with our shapes.

By grouping shapes together in a certain way you get an outline of a line that goes all the way around. When you have these grouped shapes all together in one colour it has a special name…Do you know what it is?

They are called Silhouettes.

Today we are going to create some simple silhouettes and cast their shadow out in the grass to imagine they are in our jungle. You can also set up a torch indoors and play with your shadow puppets.

Follow the Sway below to learn more…

Remember to send in pictures of your work to your teacher through email or seesaw.