Category Archives: Methlick School Staff

Easter Word Challenge

Here’s another Easter Literacy challenge for everyone.  How many words you can make from ‘HAPPY EASTER’?

Read the instructions in the Sway below, and challenge other family members to take part.  I’d recommend doing this over a number of days so that you can keep adding to your total.

Don’t forget to write the list of words in your Learning Journals, and leave a comment for me here, to let me know how many you have managed to find.   I’m going to give it a go and I challenge all the teachers and Mrs Fraser to take part as well!

There are different rules for Mild, Spicy and Hot, so click on the Sway to find out more.


Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Happy Easter

Hello everyone,

Thank you for joining me on my Music Journey over the last two weeks and all the best for the Easter Holidays.


What has been your highlight from the last two weeks? For me, it has definitely been interacting with so many of you on a daily basis. I know that all of the teachers have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to.

I have uploaded one final song that is from my favourite movie. Hope you enjoy and have a great Easter break!

Take care,

Mr Reid

Feel-Good Friday

Good morning everyone.  Are you all looking forward to the Easter holidays?  Hopefully the weather will stay good so that you can get into the garden for some outdoor learning.

I’ve changed the name of my Friday challenge, as I thought ‘Feel-Good Friday’ sounded better than ‘Crafty Friday’, so that’s what it will be called from now on.

Mrs Flockton’s ‘Design a Garden’ challenge made me think about an activity that I used to enjoy doing as a child, and I thought you might like to try it too.

Click on the Sway to find out more …

I hope you enjoy the activity.  Remember to take a photo of your creation and either email it to me or stick it in your Learning Journal.

Have a lovely break and I’ll be back with more fun challenges for you to try after the holidays.

Happy Easter!

Literacy Grid 1 – Spicy Challenge – Comic Superhero

This is one of the imaginative spicy writing challenges on Literacy Grid 1

 Thumper Comic
Thumper the Calf is a super hero with ‘MOOvellous’ powers.
Draw Thumper in his superhero costume and label his super powers.
Write a comic strip about his adventures Write in your journal or maybe you could use book creator on the iPad or computer or sway in Glow to create an e book.
Share with your teacher via Glow.

I have used the comic option in the paid version of Book Creator to give this a go.

Main characters – little plastic calf for Thumper;  Jessie, the horse, Rex and Mr Potato Head from the original Toy Story.

Setting – Toy farm buildings, a wooden rainbow, a broken Lego millennium falcon and a wooden safari set.

I tinkered, debugged and persevered with what I had until I came up with a simple storyline. I tried not to be distracted with making superhero accessories.

I quickly drew super pants and stuck them on with double sided tape. I used a pipe cleaner for super horns – job done!

It was great fun!
Have a go!



Mr.Mutch’s Quest for Digital Media Skills #1

During this time we are all at home, it gives us a chance to spend time inside doing things we regularly don’t often give enough time to. Feeling inspired by Mr.Reid’s Music Journey I wanted to give myself the challenge too to learn something new. Like Mr.Reid I want to learn something that I can use in the future. Thinking about my interests I’ve decided to combine a few ideas together into one big project.

I’m going to create a web series. Throughout I’m going to learn about filming, editing, special effects, script writing and I want you to join and help me along the way.

I have taken home a variety of supplies from school to enable me to bring our wild and wacky stories to life, yes I did say OUR! It wont just be me who will be doing the work.  Together we will work together and learn about creative writing, characterisation, graphic design and many more.

So Lets find out about the show…

A synopsis:

Imagine the Magic Key from Biff, Chip and Kipper, mixed with Jumanji, add a dash of bedtime stories, all told through story cubes and you will have my idea of the Web Show.

A boy receives a strange package in the mail, it has an oddly written letter and a bag full of cubes. The cubes all have a variety of different symbols on them, they are Story Cubes. When he rolls the cubes, the symbols that are on top will become the story that he is sucked into (just like the magic key stories). The cubes will lead him on an eventful adventure until he returns home. Each adventure will be different as you never know how the cubes will roll.

6 cubes will be rolled each time, an episode will cover the first three cubes. It will be your task to look at the remaining cubes and write the second half of the story. It will be up to me to choose one or combine a few ideas and film the next episode. These stories can be as imaginative as possible as it will be up to me to figure out how to bring the story to life learning new digital skills along the way while staying at home.

The Web-Show will be called ‘CUBES’

Your first task for over the Easter Holidays is to design for me the logo of the show, something that I will use in the title sequence.

Your Success Criteria

  • It must include the name ‘Cubes’
  • It must relate to the synopsis you have been given
  • It must be colourful
  • It must be readable and viewed easily at a glance

If you can think of a tagline for the show, that would also be great to add to your design. Or you can try to create an animation for the title sequence on Scratch Jr.

Here is a picture of the cubes that will be found in the package.

Cubes from ‘CUBES’ Web-Show

Your logo designs can be created in any art medium you want. Please email me your designs on my glow to gw18mutchconnor. I look forward to viewing your designs after the holidays.


Literacy: Handwriting: Mild

For those of you who have been doing the mild tasks on handwriting, focusing on your letter formations, here is a challenge on size.

In P2 we were focusing on getting our letters the correct size and to sit on the line properly. Once you are confident in how a letter should look you can challenge yourself to learn how to write it on the line properly.

Line guides

When we are writing on the line we can imagine 3 invisible lines or you can mark a soft dotted line to practise with.

The dotted line underneath is to show how far our tails can go on our letters such as – q,y,p,f,g,j

The first dotted line above our line shows the half way mark, this is where most of our letters will touch. Letters such as – q,w,e,r,y,u,o,p,a,s,d,g,h,j,k,z,x,c,v,b,n,m.

The second dotted line is where we see the stems of our letters reach to. These letters include – t,d,h,k,l,b

I was practising my letters in a sentence, but I don’t think I’ve got it just yet. My sentence has 20 letters can you tell me which letters are correct?  Could you tel me what I need to fix? Actually, could you rewrite the sentence correctly to show me where I’ve gone wrong. That would be an excellent form of feedback if you could speak me through how the letters should look on the line.

Mr.Mutch’s 20 Letter sentence


Literacy: Pobble: Hot

I love creative writing, especially when I have to think of a story with very little to go off of. It could be a picture, a video, a song that could be the inspiration for a story and from there you can build the world of your story to be anything.

I was really intrigued to give the Pobble HOT challenge a go, it was going to be my first HOT Challenge and I was really excited to try it. I felt much more confident after following Miss Deans Sway the other day on how to help build my story. She gave me tips and different things that I could consider to help make my piece of writing better.

On the website link there were lots of things to do relating to the picture so I decided to give them all a go and hopefully they would help me to create my story.

Here is a PDF link to my finished story, it can also be found at the end of my sway.

Pobble About to Hatch Story Starter

This is a great little project that can be completed over a longer period of time and it has all been created from one picture! How have you all got on with your Pobbles?


The Magic of Science – Ms Maturana -Mild and Spicy


Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Today I planned some Science experiments to do at home. Since we have been learning about water there is something  that makes water super interesting and magical and that is how things look like when we look at them through water.

You are going to practice this experiments first and then you can set a magic show at home. You could easily be mistaken by a magician! At the end you can explain the Science behind.

These experiments are  simple and most important fun!

Do you know what refraction of light means?

In simple words, everytime we look at things through water the light in it bends and in result we see a different image.

Like this one

Does the pencil or straw looks normal? Why? Discuss.


    Before and after you do your experiments there are a few questions you need to think first, such as:

Before: What do you think is going to happen?

-Why do you think that will happen?

After: What happened?

-Where you right or wrong?

-What do you think now?


1.Arrow and other objects Experiment


-Glass of water (not small so you can see better)




This experiment is very simple. First, draw an arrow near the top of the paper and one near the bottom, pointing the same direction. Second,  put it behind the jar of water. Third, look right through the middle of the glass. What happens to the arrow? You can do the same with different objects from your home like: pencils, toys, other types of paper. What happens with all of them? Do you see them the same way as normal?

Science Behind

The light bends once when it traveled through the glass cup into the water, and then it bends again when it traveled out of the glass cup and into the air. As a result, the light paths cross and the image appears to be flipped horizontally (left/right).

Isn’t it great?

2. Zip Lock Bag  Experiment



-White paper

-Plasctic bag


-Jar of water

Things change from the postition we look at them, so in this experiment you will look from above (looking at the surface) rather than in the middle of the glass.  The video below  will show you the steps and what happens. You can draw anything you want just make sure one drawing is white and the other has colour.


Video with steps

Science Behind

The same way the light bended -as we saw in the first experiment- will happen here. The difference is that we are looking from a different postition/angle, that makes the light to bend completely  so it doesn’t get to our eyes. The part that we can see it is because it has not bended completely.

Isn’t is great?


Here is how it worked for me

My Sway

Comment on what you did, what happened, how you felt and of course if you had fun. Can you do some magic at home now?


Ms. Maturana