Category Archives: Methlick School Staff

Numeracy – Spicy/Hot – Addition/Subtraction – Update

Hello everyone!

It’s time to practise Addition and Subtraction.

Click on the Sway below to see some NEW fun and challenging activities that you can do at home to improve your numeracy skills.

Please comment and let us know which activities you have been doing and which ones you have enjoyed the most!

Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #4


The teachers are back and this time they are back outside.


Last week’s challenge was really hard but we can tell most people certainly had a growth mindset and took on the power of ‘YET’. Families were messaging saying that they were spending the whole week trying and trying again. Even though some of you didn’t manage it is important to know that you never gave up. Maybe, one day you will be able to build the tower.

This week we learn about how Mr.Reid is getting on in lock down. I wonder how he is feeling?

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid @ Methlick #4 

This Week’s Challenge 


You will have 60 seconds to skip as many times as possible on the sport.

Enjoy this week’s episode and don’t forget to send in your scores and find out where you place on the leader board next week. 

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 4

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Dance

Miss Deans will be playing – Street Racer

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Meat Free Meal

Following on from Mrs Taylor’s lovely recipe I hope some of you have managed to think about the idea of a meat free meal.

I’m sure many families have meat free meals at various points without realising it – for example Macaroni Cheese or even a salad. Those of you that are vegetarian or vegan will be doing this daily.

The idea of ‘Meat free Monday’  is a interesting debate as it opens up some good questions about whether or not it is good for the environment. (It doesn’t have to be on a Monday you do this)

Have a look at the website and read some of the ideas, some of you might need some adult support  –

Task 1 – Write a short report sharing your view on Meat Free Monday.  You may have to research the website and note down some ideas before you start a report.

Remember to include your feelings and thoughts. Is your report for or against Meat Free Monday?

These questions may help –

  • Do you think Meat Free Monday will make a difference to climate change?
  • Do you think it will affect farming? Would this affect farming in our area?
  • Do you think it will improve health?
  • Do you agree with the information on the website?

Task 2 – Design a menu or recipe sharing your Meat Free meal. Did you make it?

Feel free to try one task or maybe some of you will manage both.

Remember to comment on here or share with your teacher we would love to see your ideas.


Literacy- Newsround Article- Quiz- Reading- Hot

Hello Everyone !

Nice quick and easy activity today:

Step 1:Climate Change in Africa (Newsround Article)

(Read the article, write some notes then close the website down)

Step 2:

Close down the article and take the Quiz, I have created a range of reading comprehension questions (13 questions, multiple choice)

Close down the article and take the Quiz, I have created a range of reading comprehension questions (13 questions, multiple choice)

Written Numbers in Spanish – Spicy & Hot

Methlick Primary,

Today we will take our numbers a bit further, we will be working with numbers from 1-20 by practicing how we write them.  Click on the Sway and read the activities. If you would like to practice your numbers in Linguascope write a comment and I will send you the information.

Buena Suerte! (Good Luck)

Ms. Maturana


Números del 1-20
Escucha (listen) to the song y repite (repeat) the numbers you hear.
Ir a este Sway



Crossword Mild-Spicy-Hot



Word Search Mild-Spicy-Hot


Target Board

Target Board

Mild HWB – The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee

SEW –  we thought you might like to take part in a Sewing Bee!

This is when a group of people get together to sew and make. They share ideas, help , encourage and have a laugh!




On BBC 1 there is a programme called ‘The Sewing Bee’ – there are 3 parts

  • The Pattern Challenge

  • The Makeover Challenge

  • The Made to Measure Challenge – let’s rethink this challenge!

The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee – Pattern Challenge

To follow the pattern to succeed

The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee –  Makeover Challenge

To ‘makeover’ an old piece of clothing and turn it into a bee or any pollinator of your choice!

Each week on the television programme contestants are given an everyday item to makeover into a new item in a very short amount of time. Last week each contestant had a sleeping bag and they had to make a children’s costume. The results were amazing!

The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee Cardboard Challenge

No fabric then why not try this cardboard sewing challenge instead!

I hope you enjoy taking part in one of these challenges or inventing your own!


My daughter was bored on Saturday. It was snowing! She was grumbling! Eventually she agreed to have a go at making a bee and she surprised herself! She made her own pattern and sewed from lunchtime until late evening until she finished! Sewing is a very important skill for her future career as she is studying to become a vet so this was good practise as well.

Making, sewing, building, tinkering away at a project in your imagination can be very absorbing. You can forget about everything around you for a while!

Mild Numeracy – Measurement – Spelling Bee Hat

P1 and P2 have been practising words that are spelt with the long vowel sound ‘ee’.

When you are taking part in the ‘Methlick Spelling Bee’ you might like to make a hat to wear.

This is a great way to practise your measuring skills using a different measuring tool – the measuring tape.


A HUGE THANK YOU to Mrs Black for sharing a hat making idea with us. If you love origami or would like to try the skill of paper folding watch Mrs Black’s sway to learn more!


Maths: MILD: Subtraction #1

Today we are going to be having a closer look at Subtraction.

For some this might be new, so we should all take time to talk about what we are thinking to our family. Remember when we are struggling or making mistakes we know that we are learning and our brains are working hard.

The focus of today will be on the language and discussion of what we are doing when we subtract or take something away. For this you can use any amount of objects it could be toys, coins or even some natural objects you find outside.

Follow the sway below.

Our next step is to focus on writing it down and using written numbers when we use practical materials.