Category Archives: LATEST NEWS

General category for announcements which are further categorised into sub categories.


Dear Parent/Carer


I am pleased to announce a ‘Christmas Jumper Day will happen on Friday the 22nd of December 2017.

The proceeds of the event will go to the school’s charities: Alzheimer’s Scotland, MS Society and Garioch Group: Riding for the Disabled.

The following notes should clarify procedures for you:

  1. ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ is Friday the 22nd of December 2017. This is NOT a non-uniform day; normal school uniform should be worn however Christmas jumpers can be worn in replacement on school jumpers/cardigans. Normal school uniform should also be worn every other day.

  2. ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ is otherwise a normal working day at Kemnay Academy. Learning activities in class will carry on as usual.

  3. A donation of £1 is hoped from each pupil. Envelopes will be distributed to registration classes to collect the donations by Friday the 22nd of December 2017.

  4. From Monday 18th December to Friday 22nd there will be a raffle for a chocolate hamper. Each ticket will cost 20p or £1 for a strip of tickets. Please show your support for our school charities through this – there will be chances to enter at break and lunch time for the 5 days.

I thank all parents, pupils and teachers in advance to the event. In addition to raising funds, the day gives the Academy an opportunity of celebrating its identity and acting collectively to promote that.

Yours sincerely

Mrs L. Paul


Payments are now overdue for pupils who study the following practical courses:- Art, Home Economics, Design & Technology.

Art,  HE and Design & Technology are all now on the  Myaccount system.

Aberdeenshire Council introduced last year a new way of accessing the online payment system, called Myaccount, which many parents & carers have already been using to pay for school meals and for practical course payments for academic year 2016/17 .  

Parents/carers using the online payment facility are required to create a Myaccount username and password (click here for instructions or here to watch a YouTube Video). If you have any concerns or issues with this new process please contact the helpline on 03456 08 12 02.

For all school payments please click on the following link and select “School Payments”  

To request a copy of your child’s unique pin number please contact the School Office. Please see below a breakdown of costs across the practical classes:

Course List 2017/18   Contribution Amount
Art: Advanced Higher Art & Design   £20.00
Art: Higher Art & Design   £15.00
Art: National 4/5 Art & Design   £5.00
Art: S1 & S2 Art & Design   £5.00
Art: S3 Art & Design   £15.00
Design & Technology: Graphic Communication   £5.00
Design & Technology: Practical Craft Skills (Woodwork & Metalwork)   £10.00
Home Economics: S2 HE Courses   £35.00
Home Economics: S3 Health & Food Technology   £35.00
Home Economics: S3 Hospitality – Practical Cookery   £40.00
Home Economics: S4/5/6 Health & Food Technology (College Students)   £20.00
Home Economics: S4/5/6 Health & Food Technology (Non-College Students)   £35.00
Home Economics: S4/5/6 Hospitality – National 5 Practical Cookery (College Students)   £30.00
Home Economics: S4/5/6 Hospitality – National 5 Practical Cookery (Non-College Students)   £55.00

Groupcall Xpressions Application – How to see Notifications

November, 2017 

Missing messages from the school through Groupcall Xpressions?

When a message is sent to you it will appear in the Xpressions Timeline. Whether or not you receive a notification alerting you that a message has been received will depend on your device.

CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS or see information below;

Apple iOS Devices

You can configure the behaviour of notifications on Apple devices. The below indicates the best way to ensure you never miss a message, however you may wish to alter this to suit your own circumstances.

Open your device’s settings;

  1. Open the ‘Notifications’ section.
  2. Scroll to find the Xpressions app.
  3. Ensure ‘Allow Notifications’ is on.
  4. Set ‘Show in Notification Center’ to at least 1 or greater.
  5. Ensure ‘Badge App Icon’ is on.
  6. Ensure ‘Show on Lock Screen’ is on.
  7. Set ‘Alert Style When Unlocked’ to ‘Alerts’

This Apple page has more information if you need it.


Android Devices

It’s not possible to configure the behaviour of notifications on Android devices directly. You may be able to get a third party app that does allow this however.

By default Android devices will display an icon in the top left corner indicating there is a message waiting for you. From here you can open the Xpressions app and read the message.


Scottish National Standardised Assessments

Information for parents and carers

The Scottish Government has commissioned the Scottish National Standardised Assessments as part of the National Improvement Framework.

For children and young people to have the best chance of reaching their potential, parents, carers, teachers and the children themselves, need to understand how they are progressing, and what further support they require. Alongside a wide range of other assessment activity, the assessments help to inform that understanding by providing teachers with objective and nationally consistent information on children’s progress. Teachers can then discuss children’s progress with them and their parents, planning next steps accordingly, and ensuring parents understand how best to support their child’s learning at home.

More information can be found by following the link:

Parents and carers – Scottish National Standardised Assessments