SQA – Post Results Service

This year’s SQA examination results will be sent to your child on Tuesday 7 August 2018.   These results will arrive by first class post, and by text or e-mail from 8am if your child has registered for this service through My SQA.

The Post-Results Service operates for a short period starting on Tuesday 7 August 2018 and may be used by schools where a pupil’s grade is significantly different from that expected.  Based on the evidence the school holds about the pupil’s performance throughout the course, a school may request a clerical check and/or an SQA marking review. The pupil must, however, give permission for this in writing.

  •  A clerical check is a check that all questions have been marked and all marks totalled correctly
  • A marking review is where an SQA senior examiner will review the marks awarded to each question to ensure that the original marking is in line with national standards: the work will not be re-marked.

Please note:

  • the decision to ask for a marking review rests solely with the school
  • as a result of a clerical check and/or marking review, the pupil’s grade may stay the same or be amended up or

There is a very short time frame for submitted requests to be with the SQA:

  • 17 August 2018 (for candidates with a conditional offer for college or university)
  • 28 August 2018 for all other candidates

It is important that parents understand that the school will not be able to submit alternative evidence, like course work or prelim examination evidence, to support its request for a review. Decisions about the grade awarded will be made solely on the pupil’s performance in the SQA examination.

Should you have any questions about your child’s results, when they arrive in August, you should contact Mr Wright, SQA Coordinator, in the first instance.  Mr Wright will be available on Results day at Kemnay Academy.  If the school decides to make a Results Service request for your child, Mr Wright will advise you as to the steps that need to be taken.


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