Hello welcome ladies and gents, boys and girls to the South Park school BLOG.!!!!!! They have all been working very hard but have also been having loads of fun and I think you guys will have lots of fun reading this too! We hope you enjoy!
In Nursery they have been very busy but have also been having lots of fun! The little kiddies in nursery have been learning how to use the fire fit! Sounds scary! They have also been learning about their Nursery charter which is another word for the Nursery rules! And finally, they have been playing lots of fun games to learn each other’s names! Sounds really fun! Well, that’s all the Nursery has been up to for now! Next is Primary 1!
In P1 they have been very busy! They have been learning about sound! They have also been learning about one of our very important dispositions, Independent Iguana!! They have been having lots of fun in their fun play afternoon! They have all also been adjusting to the new school routine including having their first school lunch made by the lovely dinner ladies! They have also been starting to have full days in school! Well that the P1’s have been doing!
This week in the p2 classes they have been very busy. They have been listening to and learning the Gruffalo story and they have really enjoyed it so far. The P2’s has also been doing lots of fun activities such as things like playing and making things with construction blocks and learning how to use a green screen. Sounds fun.
This week the children in P3 have been working very hard. They have done lots of spelling and are getting really good at it. Like the P2’s, they have also been reading, learning and singing the Gruffalo. Song. They have had lots of on the iPads and laptops by learning how to use green screen and making movies. Along with the fun on the laptops they have also been playing and moulding things with playdoh. Sound fun to me!!!!
Thanks for listening!