learning intention: I can talk about a book I have enjoyed reading.
diary of a wimpy kid the long haul
It was about a family that went on a road trip to visit there grandma. It started of quite good but then it started to go down hill. They got stopped by police because there kids were being silly and a lot more happened.
I liked it because it was very funny and so entertaining for me some books are quite boring but this book was very fun to read most parts made me laugh and the movies are also amazing.
I wouldn’t change anything about this book personally i think its the best book I’ve ever red.
For World Book Day I was out of class the whole day doing a world book day book hunt with every class in the school in the school in the morning we did p1,2,3, nursery and primary 7 and in the afternoon we did p4,5,6 and afternoon nursery. it was a lot of fun because I didn’t know where the books where either so I had to find them along the way as well.