Tag Archives: Patrick Scott

P7 War Day

The Primary 7 WarDay was a great success, they learnt loads!

Sir Patrick Scott came in and showed a presentation about Huntly during the War. He told the class about the blackout and how he had had to deliver eggs to his grandma but because of the blackout he tripped on the kerb and dropped the eggs. He also told us about the home guard and about a boy who had picked up a grenade and it went off and he distorted his face and lost all his fingers. Pupils were told about school in wartime, evacuees and lots more; the class found it very interesting and learnt a lot!

The man from Urban Studies was situated in the Deveron Building and showed the class a video demonstrating what it was like to be near a bomb when it blows up (it was from a black and white film). He also had stations explaining about things during the War e.g  Beach Defences, Schools, Anderson Shelters and lots more!

Miss Philip Smith (P7b class teacher) carried out a art lesson, they all made a peaceful scene in the night with moon glowing and a scene with destroyed houses and fire burning down the houses!

Both classes enjoyed the War Day loads!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)