Tag Archives: Norma Hunter

P4s Edible Walk.

Last Monday both P4 classes went on part of Huntly’s Edible trail.

The edible trail is the idea of local artist Norma Hunter. The walk from Battlehill and around the Meadows includes free food, some of it planted and some of it growing wild.

Norma and forest ranger Helen Rowe  took the p4s down the Avenue and towards the Meadows.

Children looked at and tasted chives, growing at the Cooper pavilion. They then tasted Sweet Cecily which grows along the banks of the Deveron and tastes like liquorice.

Next they played a fun game trying to collect air, water, soils and light wihout being eaten by birds!

At the meadows they saw elderberries, and had a little taste (they were quite bitter!) and then saw the community orchard, which has newly planted apple and pear trees. After that they all enjoyed a juicy apple that Norma gave to them.

They really enjoyed their walk and learnt a lot about plants and food. Thank you Norma and Helen!