P7 Felting

A couple of weeks ago, Primary 7 invited in Rhoda Bain, a felter who has made hats and various items for the Linden Tree (a local shop in Huntly).

Primary 7 have been studying St Kilda this term and were learning about the St Kildans clothing, they decided to find out about felting! The class dyed some wool to use and Rhoda brought in some of her own.

Firstly a group started carding the sheeps fleece, they would then hand it over to the felters, they would then place all the wool they gathered and arrange it on a bamboo sheet, when they were satisfied they covered it in water and rubbed soap into it! They then rolled the bamboo sheet up and rolled it back and forth 20 times, they continued these steps until the wool was firmly stuck together.

Another group were covering pebbles in wool, firstly they chose 2 colours of wool and wrapped them both around the pebble, they then wrapped silk around it, they dunked it in a basin of hot water with olive soap in it and squirted some fairy liquid on top, they then wrapped it in bubble wrap and squeezed it for 15 – 20 minutes!

The Primary 7 Pupils enjoyed their time with Rhoda and hope for her to return to do the same thing with next years class!

Pictures coming soon…

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Crikey Moses!

This Wednesday (2 April) the Primary 3 classes presented a play named ‘Moses’ which they had been working on for the past 3 weeks to the whole of Gordon Primary and their parents in the Afternoon!

There were lots of props and costumes, the props illustrated the scenes beautifully! There were lots of well rehearsed songs as well!

All the school and parents enjoyed the play loads.

Well Done to all the Primary 3 Pupils for putting on a marvellous show!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Gordon Primary Fairtrade Elections

Gordon Primary held elections for new Fairtrade representatives for each class. The people that wanted to be a Fairtrade rep had to do a speech to their class, saying why they would be a good Fairtrade rep for the classs.

The new reps for each class are 1A James, Leah 1B Ava, Reece.

2A Harvey, Bobby 2B Boyd, Ashtoa.

3A joint Jack, William 3B Tasmin, Jorja.

4A Lauren, Annie. 4B Clover, Mazie.

5A Emma, Lauren. 5B Clara, Lucie. 5C Euan’ Jade.

6A Freya, Rachel. 6B Ellie, Philippa.

All these people worked really hard to be representing their class. They also have developed a new skill.

The new reps will be meeting together for the first time at the beginning of the summer term.

By Emily P4B


Swap a book day sale

Thank you very much to the Learning council for organisisng Swap a Book day earlier this month. It was a great event and Gordon Primary hope it will happen again next year. The left over books were sold for 10p or 20p on the 28th March to raise money for the Learning Council. They raised £180, which will go towards Driel, Gordon Primary’s sponsored child.

Nursery news

Recently the nursery classes have been learning about the forest.  A forest ranger came in and taught them about different animals.  They also went down to the woods to have some art and craft fun. They all made brillant bougles ( faces made out of clay and put on the trees.)  Also they made marvellous masks and took them home to show their mums and dads. After they had finished the masks they all played a game where they would try to find different coloured pipe cleaners to see which colours they could be easily spotted. They did this so they could see why different animals have different patterns on their skin to keep them hidden from prey. All of them had great fun.
By Fiona and Elllie P6 blogger.

School disco

This Thursday there is the end of term disco.

 The discos are always really fun and always a good time to have fun in school which isn’t maths and spelling. There will be lots of music so hopefully some funky moves!!!

But the disco is not free, you will pay £2.50  (snack and drink included.) As you come in the main entrance then you will go through to the big hall. All of the money raised will go towards the P.T.A .

Everybody will not be in one big disco the hall is not big enough. So if you are P1-3 your disco will be at 6:00PM and will end at 7:00PM. The upper stages disco will start at 7:15PM and will finish at 8:30 PM.


By Fiona P6 Blogger

P4’s Celtic Feast

Celtic feast

P4 classes were looking at Celtic food and we decided to make Celtic soup.The next day we had a feast with the soup and we also had oat cakes.

To create a good atmosphere we also listened to Celtic music and we had a crackling fire on the smart board. We sat on pillows in a circle. The soup was very yummy! It was fun having the feast!

By Caitlin and Alaisdair P4

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