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Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who attended the Christmas Fair and the adults and children who were helping out. The choir were excellent and the orchestra were superb. The christmas fair raised an astonishing £1853. Thank you to the P.T.A members and Mrs Innes who organised the fair and also thank you to the pupils who made the crafts.

Almost everything was sold ! The girls who were helping sell the P1 fatballs made up a motto “save the birds,buy a fatball”

Well done to everyone who took part; it was greatly appreciated.

These are the things that were available:

felt badges, fat balls, homemade bags, sweetie cones, candle holders, cards, bookmarks, nail painting, decorations, tattoos and many other things.

The raffle was a big success.

By Caitlin p6b blogger

P6/7 trip

On Tuesday some of the lucky P6s and 7s will be going on a VERY exciting trip.  They are going on a trip to  Aberdeen to get a career talk about  the oil industry in Aberdeen and on the way back they will be stopping off at  the Brige O Don Beacon boys gym and having ago at some of the equitment. The trip sounds very fun and I’m sure they will have a great time.

By Fiona H P6 Blogger

Talented Composers

Some budding composers from P4 had their musical compostions played by the Isla Quartet at a concert at the Tin Hut on Saturday 16th November.

The concert was recorded by BBC Radio 3, so their compositions will be heard all over the country!

Mr Main, specialist music teacher at the primary school had been asked to get a group of children to compose some short pieces of music for the Quartet to play.

A quartet is a group of 4 musicians. The Isla Quartet consists of 2 violins, a viola and a cello. They played work by Mendelssohn and local composers David Ward and Ronald Center.

Well done to Aidan, Alanah, Alasdair, Alasdair, Annie, Bente, Caitlin, Charis, Finn and Paige for your compositions.


At the Fairtrade council we have all noticed that there  was not as many Fairtrade products in the supermarkets as there were a few years ago.
So some people from Fairtrade group have  agreed that they will go round the supermarkets an some local shops to see who has the most Fairtrade products. We have made a list of things we should think there should be in the supermarket such as
and a few more things.
we think there should be a trophy for the shop with the most Fairtrade products in it. We will have a meeting in a few weeks to see what we found out.
by Fiona p6Blogger and Fairtrade rep

Parent Open Day

Last Friday afternoon parents were invited to come into school to see their children working in their classes.

Many classes were busy making crafts to sell at the PTA Christmas Fair and the parents were invited to help the pupils. P7s were busy sewing bookmarks, P6s were making sweetie cones and other classes were also very busy.

Christmas Fair

Tomorrow is the Christmas fair and there will be a chocolate tombola, a raffle, lots of stalls full of handmade Christmas crafts,teas and coffees, the orchestra shall be playing from 6.30-7.oopm and the choir shall be reciting some songs from 7.15-7.45 pm. The Christmas fair starts at 6.30-8.00 pm and those of who are helping from 6.30 should come to the school at 6.15pm in school uniform.The money that is raised will get split equally between the classes for them to spend on anything for the class that they want or need.

The choir will be singing songs like Jingle Bells, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Come And Join The Celebration, Silent Night, Santa Clause Is Coming To Town and lots of other Christmassy songs.

I hope you enjoy it!

P5 Science fun

In P5b They have been  having lots of fun in science making boats out of tin  foil  and see how much paper clips they could put in tje boa before it sunk. They did all the planning together and diecided  how they were going to build  it. It sounds really good fun I wish I was in that class.

By Fiona P6 blogger

p7 assembly

Last week in assembly the p7 Mrs McIntosh’s  class did an assembly about World War two. They even made up their own play by making their own script. It was a really good play, there was even a song that they sang. Ellie  made an Anderson shelter; she told us what an Anderson shelter was for, and interesting facts and information about the anderson shelter. Duncan  made some food for his family using the kind of food that were available during WW2, and he said it was lovely.  Chris made a aeroplane and it was very good. Duncan also made all of the backrounds that were on the power point and it was very good. Some of their parents attended the assembly and were very impressed.

By Ellie P6B Blogger


Tomorrow the Nursery children are getting their teeth varnished by a dentist. So if you go down to the nursery tomorrow their teeth will be very nice and clean.

They have also been making their own obstacle courses because the obstacle courses that the teachers had made were apparently too easy for them.  They were very pleased with their results and had great fun navigating their obstacle courses .

The nursery pupils have also been looking for patterns around the school. They saw patterns outside in the playground and in the school.

by ellie b6b blogger