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P6/7 school trip ( The gym bit!!)

Yesterday some of the lucky P6/7s got to go on a school trip to the exhibition centre in aberdeen and the Beacon Boys gym in Bridge o’Don. You will find out about the talk at the exhibition centre somewhere else in the blog but I am going to tell you about the gym. The gym was really good. There were two coaches and lots of equipment!!
There was a very wierd bouncy floor, a floor beam, a beam, a couple of centre meters of the ground beam and a compition beam, parallel bars, a trapeze and a tramproline. All the girls on the trip got to try the beam they had to try and walk backwards on the beam none of them fell off the beam. There was also a very long  bouncy tramproline that was Really fun, but it wasn’t like your tramproline that you have in your back  garden,it was much bigger and  bouncier and made for gymnastics. Everybody got to go on the tramproline everbody really enjoyed it some people couldn’t stop laughing it was so fun. There was a volt wich was very springy that you would have to jump on and then land on a mat you were told to try and  land perfectly on the mat but it was hard. The boys got to jump over a horse (not a real one.) and hold their own weight on parellel bars and go along it. On the bouncy floor mat they warmed up with some running and some stretches then they cooled down after.

It was really good fun thank you to the two tutors Mrs McIntosh, Mrs Deadman, Mrs Duncan, Mr Copper And Ms Whyte.

By Fiona P6 Bloggers

Saint Andrews Day in the Nursery

On Friday the nursery celebrated Saint Andrews day.  The children and been invited to wear a touch of tartan. P6 pupils provided the entertainment. Aiden played the accordion, Lucas played the chanter and  Logan  recited a Scottish poem.  The nursery pupils made stovies and ate them all. They even made their own tartan and their own pictures. After that they also did some scottish dancing and a fiddler also came in and played some tunes: they really enjoyed it. It sounded really good and fun. They  had an amazing time.  they said that their stovies were fine.

by Ellie and Sophie p6b bloggers

Creative Place!

All the prize winners of the Huntly cultural fund met together in the hall of the Parish Church on at 7 o’clock  on Tuesday 3rd December.

These included many groups that are developing creative projects in the community, such as the Huntly Pipeband, Huntly Summer School, Dudendance and Gordon Primary’s Huntly Castle junior tour guides.

Philippa and Hannah went to along represent the tour guides, dressed in their beautiful costumes. They did an excellent job of telling other community groups about the Junior Tour Guides and about how we intend to use our Cultural Fund award.

More details about the Cultural Fund can be found here
Well done Philippa and Hannah!

P7 War Day

The Primary 7 WarDay was a great success, they learnt loads!

Sir Patrick Scott came in and showed a presentation about Huntly during the War. He told the class about the blackout and how he had had to deliver eggs to his grandma but because of the blackout he tripped on the kerb and dropped the eggs. He also told us about the home guard and about a boy who had picked up a grenade and it went off and he distorted his face and lost all his fingers. Pupils were told about school in wartime, evacuees and lots more; the class found it very interesting and learnt a lot!

The man from Urban Studies was situated in the Deveron Building and showed the class a video demonstrating what it was like to be near a bomb when it blows up (it was from a black and white film). He also had stations explaining about things during the War e.g  Beach Defences, Schools, Anderson Shelters and lots more!

Miss Philip Smith (P7b class teacher) carried out a art lesson, they all made a peaceful scene in the night with moon glowing and a scene with destroyed houses and fire burning down the houses!

Both classes enjoyed the War Day loads!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Christmas parties

P1 Thursday 19th Decemebr (Small hall)

P2 Tuesday 17th December (Small hall)

P3 Monday 16th December (Large hall)P

P4 Tuesday 17th December ( Large hall)

P5 Thursday19th December (Large hall)

P6 Wednesday 18th December (Large hall)

P7 Thursday 19th December (Large hall)

Hope you all have a nice christmas party

by Sophie P6b bloggers

Good Bye Miss Crawford

On Friday Ms Crawford is leaving. Ms Crawford  has made a big contribution to the school and we wanted to make sure you all knew about it. We will miss her greatly and if you see her remember to say good bye. She has been working at the school for five years now. Thank you for all your hard work and for devoting time to after school clubs like the running club and netball. We wish Ms Crawford all the best in her new post. All of the school and the glow bug team say good bye! We will miss you!

by ellie p6b blogger