P6/7 Trip (Careers Talk)

On Tuesday 3rd December, 47 pupils from P6 and 7 classes got a chance to go to AECC in Aberdeen to find out what the sort of  jobs the sea has to offer!

They arrived a little late and sadly missed the beginning of the presentation.  The presentation was about how they got the gas and oil out of the ground and the machinary they use to achieve this. Some of the equipment used is made up of more than 1000 pieces, they would use a crane to lower the machinery down to the site where they will be extracting the oil and gas, then  they will gradually build the machinary up so that they could extract the oil and gas from the pools underneath the sea!

The second talk was about renewable energy. Firstly, they discussed what sort of energy was renewable, the person that was explaining about renewable energy,  worked for the wind industry and he talked about how they made energy from the wind. He also explained about how they will soon be using the sea to get power from the wind because it is windier off coast and also people can’t see the turbines (which helps loads)!

The third presentation was about the sea animals in the Moray Firth, the lady told the pupils about some of the thousands of sea creatures in the Moray Firth!

The fourth speaker told the group about diving. He told them about how much pressure there is on top of diver when they are under water and how they use oxygen and carbon dioxide but they have to give the diver helium after they have dived 50m. He then told the group about helmets and how you could make a helmet from a bucket, you would just have to add some weights, a window and a tube for air! He then asked if Mrs McIntosh and 2 pupils could come up to try the helium, their voices were very squeaky!

Everyone really enjoyed theirselves!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

7 thoughts on “P6/7 Trip (Careers Talk)”

  1. Was really intresting! The best part was when Mrs Macintosh and Nick in p7a went up on stage and a man made there voices squeaky!

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