P7 Loch Insh Trip

A couple of weeks ago both of the Primary 7 Classes were picked up in a bus and sent to Loch Insh for their P7 residential trip. This was the first time Gordon Primary has been to Loch Insh so there was a lot of pressure on the pupils shoulders. If they misbehaved, Gordon Primary might not be aloud back at Loch Insh. They behaved very well and both the staff at Loch Insh and Gordon Primary were very impressed. They have booked for next year!

There were 3 activities per day, the first one after breakfast, the second after lunch and the third after dinner! All the activities were great fun and there was no boring or bad activities! The activities ranged from Mountain Biking to Windsurfing covering mostly everybodies interests!

The food was great, they got a cooked breakfast in the morning and a 3 course meal for dinner!  Each day they made a packed lunch in the morning, there was a lot of choice! On the last night of their stay, they had BBQ!  Everybody enjoyed the food and it covered everybodies tastes!

To be continued!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)