The oystercatchers

Some oystercatchers have been busy in the school grounds over the last few weeks. There’s been two adults protecting their young from harm. They have a nest on the school roof, and the chicks have come off the roof quite early.

The young chicks have been wandering about the playground so when people come to school the parents have been trying to keep people away from the chicks! It has been lovely to see wildlife in school grounds.

From Alanas and Thomas P4B

P7 Drugs Awareness and Internet Safety Talk

Both Primary 7 classes had a Policeman in to talk to them about Internet Safety and Drugs Awareness! Both classes are currently doing revision on Living and Growing, and looking at other areas of the topic.!

They learnt about some of the many different types of drugs and how some can be used in medicines and some can be illegal and can seriously harm people. They learnt about how some drugs can slow down your brain and how you react to things, some can speed up your brain and make you more alert and how some can make you hallucinate!

In the second talk the policeman told the class about Internet Safety, he told them that not selecting private on social networking sites is a bit like putting a sign in your garden with your personal details on it and leaving your front door open and allowing anyone to walk into your house and look at your photos, bedroom etc.

The Primary 7’s really enjoyed the talk and found it very interesting!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

staying safe on the internet !

Last Tuesday the two p6 classes did an assembly, talking about how to stay safe on the internet. Some of the facts that learnt  is that there  are smart rules. S stands for safe, M is for meeting,  A is for accepting all the junk email,  R means reliable ,  T stands  for tell. There was also other facts –  like don’t give your personal details to people that you don’t know that person.

Remember that is it’s a jungle out there!

Here is a website link if you want to find out more;

By Ellie P6b blogger

Gordon Gets Dancing!!!

As part of a dance set up by the Scottish Ballet, the whole of Gordon Primary had learnt a dance . The dance was called the Big Dance. It was great fun !.

One by one the clases got taught the dance by Mrs Raeburn and some of her helpers who were Fiona, Ellie, Faye, Nicole, Sophie, Caitlin, Philippa, Norah, Lola, Fiona, Amelia and Emma. 16th of May the whole school had learnt the dance. After lunch the whole school went down to the all weather pitch to do the dance.  Everybody enjoyed it and had great fun.

By Fiona P6 Blogger.