P7 Felting

A couple of weeks ago, Primary 7 invited in Rhoda Bain, a felter who has made hats and various items for the Linden Tree (a local shop in Huntly).

Primary 7 have been studying St Kilda this term and were learning about the St Kildans clothing, they decided to find out about felting! The class dyed some wool to use and Rhoda brought in some of her own.

Firstly a group started carding the sheeps fleece, they would then hand it over to the felters, they would then place all the wool they gathered and arrange it on a bamboo sheet, when they were satisfied they covered it in water and rubbed soap into it! They then rolled the bamboo sheet up and rolled it back and forth 20 times, they continued these steps until the wool was firmly stuck together.

Another group were covering pebbles in wool, firstly they chose 2 colours of wool and wrapped them both around the pebble, they then wrapped silk around it, they dunked it in a basin of hot water with olive soap in it and squirted some fairy liquid on top, they then wrapped it in bubble wrap and squeezed it for 15 – 20 minutes!

The Primary 7 Pupils enjoyed their time with Rhoda and hope for her to return to do the same thing with next years class!

Pictures coming soon…

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)