P5a Assembly

Last week (Wednesday 28th Febuary) Primary 5a presented an assembly about their topic, the Jacobites.

They have been learning about the Jacobites since the start of term 3, they have learnt loads and are very knowledgable about them.

Their Assembly was about a group of children from Gordon Primary who built a time machine and decided to visit the time of the Jacobites. The Jacobites spoke a different language at first (gaelic) but then they found out they spoke English. The children from the past and the children from Gordon Primary had a chat, and compared their lives. The jacobite children worked hard every day collecting water, looking after animals and collecting firewood. They drank water if they were thirsty, and ate shop, bread and cheese. They didn’t eat potatoes because they hadnt been introduced to Scotland yet. They had no electricity, mobile phones. The children learnt how different life was backĀ in the time of theĀ Jacobites.

The whole school and P5 parents enjoyed the assembly and learnt a lot!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)