See who can find the best christmas joke by the 16th of december. please no rude ones. There will be a small prize for the joke that makes us laugh the most and it will be judged by the glow bug bloggers team.
Please write your jokes in the comment box below.
Good Luck!!!!!!
Well Done to Fiona Duncan for winning the Christmas Joke Competition!
How does a snowman lose weight????
He waits until the weather gets warmer
By Lola Brown p6b
What do you get when santa goes down the chimney with the fire lit???
Crisp cringle
By Lola Brown p6b
what do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party?
Freeze a jolly good fellow 🙂
what is a childs favourite king at christmas time?
A stocking
What does Santa get if he is in a very small room?
Santa Claustrophobic!
Why do Reindeer not like penguins?
Because they can’t open them!
Why does santa go down the chimney?
Because he soots himself
How do snowmen get around?
They ride their icicles!!! 😀
How do cats greet each other at Christmas?
a furry merry Christmas and a happy mew year!
by Fiona brown p6b
What beats his chest and swings from Christmas cake to Christmas cake?
by Duncan brown p5a I forgot my password so I used my sisters.