P6/7 school trip ( The gym bit!!)

Yesterday some of the lucky P6/7s got to go on a school trip to the exhibition centre in aberdeen and the Beacon Boys gym in Bridge o’Don. You will find out about the talk at the exhibition centre somewhere else in the blog but I am going to tell you about the gym. The gym was really good. There were two coaches and lots of equipment!!
There was a very wierd bouncy floor, a floor beam, a beam, a couple of centre meters of the ground beam and a compition beam, parallel bars, a trapeze and a tramproline. All the girls on the trip got to try the beam they had to try and walk backwards on the beam none of them fell off the beam. There was also a very long  bouncy tramproline that was Really fun, but it wasn’t like your tramproline that you have in your back  garden,it was much bigger and  bouncier and made for gymnastics. Everybody got to go on the tramproline everbody really enjoyed it some people couldn’t stop laughing it was so fun. There was a volt wich was very springy that you would have to jump on and then land on a mat you were told to try and  land perfectly on the mat but it was hard. The boys got to jump over a horse (not a real one.) and hold their own weight on parellel bars and go along it. On the bouncy floor mat they warmed up with some running and some stretches then they cooled down after.

It was really good fun thank you to the two tutors Mrs McIntosh, Mrs Deadman, Mrs Duncan, Mr Copper And Ms Whyte.

By Fiona P6 Bloggers

8 thoughts on “P6/7 school trip ( The gym bit!!)”

  1. The gym visit sounds really good; it sounds like it was very well equipped and good fun.
    Well done Fiona for writing a very interesting account of your trip.

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