Art Exhibition

Gordon Primary School were recently asked to contribute to an art exhibition at the Gartly community hall , known as “The Tin Hut”.

Artwork by Lauren, Abbie, Isla and Aidan from P5B was selected. The colourful landscapes in oil pastel that the children had done with Mrs Wills, was exhibited over the first weekend of the October break. The pictures were greatly admired by visitors to the exhibition. Hopefully the school can contribute to the exhibition in future years.

(Pictures to follow)


P6a and p6b are going to Satrosphere in Aberdeen with Mrs Fitzpatrick and Mrs Mansell and a few helpers on Thursday 30th October . When we are there we are going to learn a lot about science. It sounds really interesting. We are really looking forward  to our trip because it is going to be very exciting and we think we are going to get to do a few experiments and learn new tricks and more information.

P7 Topic – World War II

P7a and b have been learning about events that have happened during the war!

They have learnt about how people survived, rationing and about womens jobs!

They have also been reading Goodnight Mister Tom, a book about a boy who was evacuated out of London to a small village named Little Wierworld!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Halloween Fun.

Primary 4B have been making crow masks that could be worn at the Halloween parade that is taking place this Saturday.

The theme of the Halloween festivities this year is “On the back of the North Wind”, named after a book by the famous Huntly writer George McDonald.  Crows feature often in his stories. Crows (or Corbies) will be appearing at the parade, along with the Huntly Pipe Band.

Mrs Chalmers came into school last week to help P4B make the masks. They will be decorated with feathers.

Nursery News!

The nursery are going to be very busy over the next few weeks. Here are a few things that they will be getting up to.

On Friday there will be a halloween party in the nursery when they will be able to dress up and look as scary as possible. So look out, for you may see some scary witches and vampires on friday.

Also on halloween the nurseries will be learning how to keep safe whilst trick or treating, being in the dark and how to look after yourselves on halloween.

Also next week they shall be learning and doing bonfire night activities.

Also they are going to be making there own animal shelters for mammals to hibernate

So We hope they all have great fun doing  that and hopefully we will get to know how much fun they had and lots more exciting things.

By Fiona And caitlin P6 bloggers