
At assembly last week a woman came in to talk to us about lepra. Lepra it is a serious disease. Lepra gives support to people with the disease and fundraises money to give someone a operation to help them get better again.It only takes £25 to help someone get better. Lepra representatives will be back on october 2nd to lead a sponsored workout for classes in the school.

By Sophie (P6 Blogger)

Pirate Black Beard

Nursery received a letter  from Pirate Black Beard. They went down into the woods and  went on a hunt for treasure  because pirate black beard said he had left some treasure in the wooods for them.

On Friday they are having a pirate parade, and will be coming o the nursery in a pirate costume to go on a parade. They have  been really busy this week and are looking forward to going on their walk and playing with their new treasure.

by Ellie p6b glow bug blogger

Huntly Castle Trip

P4b were taken on an exciting tour of Huntly

Castle last week.

The Junior Tour Guides led them down to the castle and told them about the history of the castle, how the different rooms were used and about life in the castle 700 years ago.

Primary 4 admired the beautiful frontispiece on the doorway of the castle, and learnt why some of it is missing. They were told what a mason’s mark is and saw one on the doorway.

Next they saw the dungeons and were told about the poor prisoners who were thrown in them.

After that they visited the kitchen and then the great hall. They P4s enjoyed playing a game called “Cooks Coming”.

After their tour the P4’s had to say one thing they had learnt on their tour.

The tour guides did an excellent job of showing the class around the castle. Thank you !


The P4 classes has been learning about Scotland. The p4s have been making Highland cows out of clay. They have also been learning about Scottish industries such as farming, energy production and forestry. There will be lots more fun activities for them.

By sophie and Fiona P6

P4s Edible Walk.

Last Monday both P4 classes went on part of Huntly’s Edible trail.

The edible trail is the idea of local artist Norma Hunter. The walk from Battlehill and around the Meadows includes free food, some of it planted and some of it growing wild.

Norma and forest ranger Helen Rowe  took the p4s down the Avenue and towards the Meadows.

Children looked at and tasted chives, growing at the Cooper pavilion. They then tasted Sweet Cecily which grows along the banks of the Deveron and tastes like liquorice.

Next they played a fun game trying to collect air, water, soils and light wihout being eaten by birds!

At the meadows they saw elderberries, and had a little taste (they were quite bitter!) and then saw the community orchard, which has newly planted apple and pear trees. After that they all enjoyed a juicy apple that Norma gave to them.

They really enjoyed their walk and learnt a lot about plants and food. Thank you Norma and Helen!

Edible Walk.

One day at school we got told to put our outdoor gear on and we went outside around the school. We first ate some chives down at the Cooper park. When we were walking down further and further we reached the Deveron and Clover ate some nettles and they were stingy! When we were still at the Deveron we had some sweet cicely it tasted of liquorice and it was so sweet.The food was so sweet it almost hipnotised Clover! I really liked it very much.

By Charis and Clover P4B

Trying your best

Last week in assembly we were talking about trying our best and never giving up. Mr Schrimsaw told us a story about how when he was getting piano lessons he thought he couldnt learn a particular tune, but his teacher kept on nagging at him until he realised that he could play it after all. He reminded us that we should keep trying, even if we think we can’t do something.

He reminded us of this part of Gordon Primary’s code


  • Follow instructions
  • Be ready to learn
  • Try my Best
  • be proud of myself and my work

Teachers are looking for children who act this way this week, so lets try  and aim for those.


BY Sophie and Fiona P6 Bloggers


Last year the P7s got a chance to be a Prefect but they have now left to join the Gordon Schools. That now means that this years P7s have a chance to be a Prefect.

Firstly any of the pupils from either of the P7 classes that wanted to be a Prefect had to write a letter to Mrs Moir stating why they would be a good Prefect!

There are now 40 Prefects in the school.

The prefect’s role is to help the staff in the playgrounds, to make sure everyone is playing safely outside after lunchtime , to help look after classes during wet playtimes and to set a good example to the younger pupils!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Active Schools After School Clubs

Five  different after school clubs have started again this term and they are: Ballroom Dancing with David Robertson, Cricket with Neil, Netball with Mrs. FitzPatrick and Miss. Philp-Smith, Mountain Biking for p7’s only with Mr. Wood and finally Jogging with Miss Philp-smith and Mr Wood.

The ballroom dancing with David Robertson is very active. You learn to Elephant walk, Rock n Roll, Salsa, Jive, Mambo, Tango, Quick step and so much more! It is on on Mondays from 4:oopm-5:oopm.

Cricket with Neil is very fun even if you dont know how to play. You learn things from how to bowl properly to perfecting catches and aims. It starts at 3:45-4:45 on Tuesdays.

Mountain Biking is for Primary 7s only with Mr. Wood and Miss. Philp-Smith on Thursdays.

Netball with Mrs. FitzPatrick and Miss Philp-Smith will teach you all you need to know about netball and will help you improve your skills.