Staying Safe Online

✨P1-3 have been learning about how to stay safe online. We watched some videos called The Adventures of Karen, Winston and the SMART Crew. Then we made an infographic of our learning.

Balancing Screen Time

Beach Clean!

These three pupils have shown that they are excellent eco warriors by taking part in their own beach clean over the weekend. Well done for helping our environment girls!


⭐We are learning to describe key features of religious celebrations. Today we experienced how people celebrate Hanukkah. We made latkes, cards and created menorahs using lose parts

Green, Green Christmas

P6/7 have been learning to investigate the environmental impact of human activity and make changes to help our environment. We have been exploring eco friendly options that can be used to reduce waste and single plastic use over Christmas. We have made homemade Christmas crackers, decorations and wrapping paper.

The Orange Cog

✨As part of Our Children Their Nurturing Education journey Mrs Morris works with the boys and girls at a whole school assembly and introduces them to the emotion works cogs. The first cog they learnt about was the orange cog- emotion words. The boys and girls come back to class to do a follow up activity on emotion words! We could remember lots of emotion words and with some help from the teacher put them in a word art emoji. 🐾 Now we are going to learn about what body sensations we feel when we experience different emotions.

Recreating The Titanic


Primary 4 and 5 have been learning about the Titanic and they worked as a team to recreate the Titanic, the children went inside it, got into character and had lots of fun!

Our Class Charter







This week the P6&7 class have been learning about the UNCRC Rights of the Child and revisiting the SHANARRI wellbeing wheel. We have been using this information to discuss and agree on our Class Charter Rules, voting for the rights and responsibilities most important to us. Next week they will create their Class Charter display in the classroom.


Everyone Reading in Class

Primary 4&5 have been very engaged with their reading. Each day, we have some quiet time dedicated to personal reading  and the children show great focus on reading their books.

Every classroom in Bowmore Primary School has a reading area where children can enjoy reading in a comfortable and quiet environment.

Weather Instruments

✨Primary 1-3 have been very busy learning about the weather and climate. They have been learning about the different instruments used to measure the weather and so decided to make their own wind sock! P2 and 3 learnt about the compass points and we tested our wind socks to see which direction the wind was coming from! 🐾 Next Steps – Measure and record the weather.

Seachdain Saidheans – Science Week

Seachdain Saidheans 13 -17mh Am Màrt

’B e ceanglaichean an topaig a bh’ againn airson seachdain saidheans am bliadhna. Leis a sin, rinn sinne obair air oighreachd, a’ sgrùdadh mar a gheibh sinn diofar feartan bho ar pàrantan.  Thàinig pàrantan a-staigh dhan sgoil gus pàirt a ghabhail ann an gnìomhan oighreachd.  Leugh sinn an leabhar “Na Stocan agus Na Stùcan” airson ionnsachadh mu oighreachd agus rinn a’ chlann na caractaran a cleachdadh taois-chluiche. Bha tòrr spòrs againn agus tha sinn cho taingeil gun tàinig pàrantan a-staigh gus ionnsachadh còmhla rinn.

Connections was the theme for this year’s Science Week.  We chose to learn about inheritance, learning about how characteristics are inherited from our parents.  We invited parents to join us for a fun afternoon to take part in inheritance activities. We read The Smeds and The Smoos to start off our afternoon and the children enjoyed making the characters using playdough. We had a lovely afternoon and would like to thank parents for coming in to help us to learn about inheritance.

Tuathanas gu Truinnsear/Farm to Fork

Mar phàirt dhen phròiseact againn “Tuathanas gu Truinnsear”, chaidh sinn shìos dhan a’ bhùth gus faighinn a-mach cò as a tha ar biadh a’ tighinn. Choimhead sinn air lusan agus measan a bhios sinn fhèin ag ithe. Fhuair sinn a-mach gu bheil ar biadh a’ tighinn bho dhùthchannan eadar-dhealaichte air feadh an t-Saoghal. Coimheadaidh sinn a-nis air a’ mhapa a dh’fhaicinn dè an astar a tha aig gach lus mus tig iad dhan bhùth againne.

As part of our Farm to Fork topic, we went down to the shop to find out where some of our food comes from. We looked at fruits and vegetables that we enjoy and we found out that they come from different countries all over the world. We will now look at where these countries are and how many miles our food has to travel before it arrives at the shop.

CRIS in P1/2


Today we listened to Miss McKerrell reading a story from the active board. The story was called Digiduck and the Big Decision. In the story, digiduck learned that it can be upsetting to make fun of your friends online even when you think it’s just a joke. After the story we had a talk about when things pop up on our screens and what we should do about it. Then we drew a picture of one of the characters from the story.

Den Building in G1-3

Tha a’ chlann air a bhith ag obair cho trang an t-seachdainsa is mar sin, dh’fhalbh sinn a-mach dhan raoin-chluiche gus dens a thogail.  Dh’obraich iad ann an dà bhuidheann gus planadh a dhèanamh mus do thog iad na dens aca. Tha mi cinnteach gun aontaich sibh rium gun do rinn iad deagh oidhirp!

Tha children have been very busy this week so we took to the playground to build some dens. They worked in 2 groups to plan the resources they would need and to discuss what their dens would look like. I’m sure you’ll agree that they did a fantastic job!


Signs of Spring

Feasgair an-diugh, dh’fhalbh sinn air chuairt shìos am Battery gus bheothaichean agus lusan ùra a lorg. Chunnaic sinn eich, caoraich agus tòrr eòin.  Tha sinn cho fortanach gu bheil an t-àite seo cho faisg oirnn.

This afternoon, we took a walk down the Battery to find animals and signs of spring. We saw some buds and flowers as well as horses, sheep and plenty of birds. We are so lucky to have this right on our doorstep.

Yoga Sequencing

As part of our physical education we have been learning about sequencing. The children took part in a yoga session learning how to sequence movements as well as develop timing.

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