Ag Ionnsachadh mu Costa na Mara ann an Ile/ P5/6/7 Learn about Islay’s Coast

This term the children in P5/6/7  along with G4-7 have been learning about ‘Islay’s Coast’ and the various types of rocks that surround the coastline.  The children were able to identify sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks as well as describe their characteristics and uses.

Mr David Webster, a geologist, attended a trip to Bowmore Battery with the children where the children took part in different activities to deepen their knowledge and understanding.

They were able to make volcanic eruptions as well as create a timeline showing the age of different rocks.  The children were then set a challenge to

create the map of Islay using natural resources.  They were then asked to place the various rocks in the places they can be found on Islay. 

A great day was had by all!


National Numeracy Day

On the 19th May P5/6/7 spent the day applying their numeracy skills and learning new strategies to support them with their learning.

The children practiced their problem solving skills and used strategies such as trial and improvement as well as working backwards to help them solve the challenges that were set.

In the afternoon they took their maths outdoors. They measured the perimeter and area of the football pitch, went on a mathematical  fractions scavenger hunt and displayed data through pie charts and bar graphs using natural resources.



For Fairtrade Fortnight the children in P5/6/7 learnt about the different Fairtrade items that are for sale in our local shops.

First, the children identified the various countries these items came from and then located these countries on a world map.  They then worked in pairs to calculate the food miles that each item had travelled to get to Islay as well as the difference in cost from other well known brands.

The children used some Fairtrade items to create pieces of art.  They also wrote out Fairtrade recipes and made some delicious chocolate truffles.

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