Mar phàirt dhen phròiseact againn “Tuathanas gu Truinnsear”, chaidh sinn shìos dhan a’ bhùth gus faighinn a-mach cò as a tha ar biadh a’ tighinn. Choimhead sinn air lusan agus measan a bhios sinn fhèin ag ithe. Fhuair sinn a-mach gu bheil ar biadh a’ tighinn bho dhùthchannan eadar-dhealaichte air feadh an t-Saoghal. Coimheadaidh sinn a-nis air a’ mhapa a dh’fhaicinn dè an astar a tha aig gach lus mus tig iad dhan bhùth againne.
As part of our Farm to Fork topic, we went down to the shop to find out where some of our food comes from. We looked at fruits and vegetables that we enjoy and we found out that they come from different countries all over the world. We will now look at where these countries are and how many miles our food has to travel before it arrives at the shop.