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Welcome – Fàilte

At Bowmore Primary School we aim to build strong links with parents, partner agencies and our friends in the community. We provide a wide range of learning experiences, trips and events to enhance the children’s learning.

Aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr tha sinn ag amas air ceanglaichean làidir a chruthachadh le pàrantan, luchd-obrach eile agus ar caraidean anns a’ choimhearsnachd.  Tha sinn a’ tabhann iomadh diofar dòighean ionnsachaidh, tursan agus tachartasan gus ionnsachadh na cloinne a leasachadh.

Bowmore Primary School is proud to have children learning through the medium of Gaelic in addition to English, we work hard to promote Gaelic within our school and across the island.

Tha Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr moiteil gu bheil cuid den chloinn againn ag ionnsachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a bharrachd air a’ Bheurla; tha sinn ag obair gu cruaidh gus a’ Ghàidhlig a bhrosnachadh anns an sgoil agus air feadh an eilein.

School Values

At Bowmore Primary School our Vision is to provide a high quality education working together to nurture every child towards reaching their full potential and enabling them to have the skills and confidence to embrace the world in which we live.

This is underpinned by our 3 core Values.


We support all children to reach their full potential in Bowmore Primary School and we celebrate achievements that take place in school, at home and in our wider community. We encourage the children to challenge themselves and to always aim to achieve their best.


We foster and support the development of all forms of creativity. From being creative with artwork to applying creative skills when solving mathematical problems, designing engineering solutions, creating algorithms, participating in imaginative play etc. Our school environment encourages and supports children to have the confidence and freedom to express, apply and grow their creativity


We understand that all children are unique and are on their own learning journey, we are here to remove any barriers to their learning and to equip them with the resources they need to fulfil their full potential. We want to ensure that all of our children feel supported in their learning.


Please continue to follow NHS guidance on how you can look after yourself and your children or call 0800 028 2816.   A list of common questions can also be found on the website.

Parent Club Advice for parents

Hey Girls Period Packs – Use the link below to order period packs, these will be delivered to your home. To order your products.  Hey Girls will then process your order and post it to the address that you have given.  

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