Category Archives: RME

Luing Pupils challenge shoppers on Human Rights and Fairtrade

As part of our Human Rights work with Amnesty Ireland and BEMIS, the children of Luing produced the Fairtrade newsletter for Oban, Lorn and the Isles. They also volunteered to distribute information and promote Fairtrade products and Human Rights at a stall in TESCO Oban.

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Lochnell Snow Leopard

Three conservation aware P7 pupils from Lochnell were delighted to receive their Snow Leopard adoption pack from WWF on behalf of Lochnell School. While reading a copy of the National Geographic kids magazine the trio were shocked to discover that Snow Leopards are listed as endangered and a threatened species. After sharing the facts about the Snow Leopard with their class the pupils decided to help the Conservation Programme by raising money to adopt a Snow Leopard.

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Tobermory RME – Creation Stories

In the latest of this year’s RME conferences S1/2 looked at how people have tried to answer a question that humans have been trying to answer for thousands of years, “how was Earth created?”. The day’s theme was Creation Stories and the day began by looking at the art of storytelling and the differences between fairy tales, myths and legends. In groups students tried to re-tell some familiar fairy stories and noticed that each group told the story in a slightly different way, after working out the morals of the stories, they went on to look at myths and legends using Richard 3rd to try and find the truth between fact and fiction. Continue reading Tobermory RME – Creation Stories

Catholic Education Week

February 3 – 8 February was catholic education week and it was greatly celebrated at St Joseph’s in Helensburgh. The focus began on Education Sunday with the Head Teacher speaking to the parish congregation at Sunday Masses about the benefits of catholic education and, more specifically, about the community of learning and faith at St Joseph’s Primary school. In addition, an invitation was extended to all parishioners to join the children at prayer in school during this year of faith at various monthly masses and rosary prayers. Continue reading Catholic Education Week

Ultimate Questions!

S1/2 students of Tobermory High School met for their latest RME Conference Day. The day’s theme was Ultimate Questions and involved a lot of deep thinking for students and staff. Listening to Johnny Nash the group reflected that there are indeed “more questions than answers” as they began the first task of the day which was to build a tower in their groups – the catch was they were allowed to communicate only by questions… Although all groups produced towers all admitted that the task had been very difficult, especially as there were time penalties when statements were made, in fact some students were reduced to silence and mime for some of the time. Continue reading Ultimate Questions!

Tobermory – S1/2 RME

S1/2 continued their RME conferences with a day on the theme of Rich World, Poor World. This busy day began with a look at how the world’s wealth is divided up and some of the issues that arise from this division of wealth. Using games the group could easily see what an unjust world we live in and how sometimes even those trying to help developing countries can sometimes make life worse for those already suffering. Continue reading Tobermory – S1/2 RME

Tarbert Academy Moral Conference

Senior pupils in Tarbert Academy took part in a Moral Conference at the end of October. This ‘Question Time’ style event found pupils asking questions about Scotland’s future, footballers’ wages, the issues surrounding foreign aid at a time of recession and current debates on marriage. Pupils achieved highly in setting questions, taking part in debate and listening sensitively to a wide variety of views. Anne Paterson praised the pupils highly – as did the panel members. Pupil feedback is highly positive regarding our Moral Conference. Continue reading Tarbert Academy Moral Conference

RME on Iona

In the first of this year’s RME days 54 S1/2 pupils and 7 staff  from Tobermory High School spent the day on Iona learning about the history of Iona and the life and work of the Iona Community.  The day was the RME part of inter-disciplinary work on Life in 6th Century Scotland.  The group looked at why Columba chose to settle on Iona and why thousands of tourists and pilgrims flock there every year.  In St Oran’s Chapel they learned about the life of the early monks before exploring the cemetery where Scottish Kings and politicians are buried. Continue reading RME on Iona