The SSPCA (Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) have been in to see all our classes this week. They have been able to tell us about all the good work they carry out and what to do if we come across injured animals. We carried out a variety of actiities with them to learn and they were also able to answer many of the hundreds of questions that the children had for them.
Measure in the nursery
We have been exploring the language of measure. In our groups we have been using a 2 pan balance to weigh different objects. Once we had all picked an object, we estimated which object would be heaviest and lightest. Some boys and girls noticed that their arms felt strange when lifting something heavy, we need to use our strong muscles to lift heavier objects. We could discuss what we noticed happening to the scales when something was heavy/light. Our new words we now know- scales, heaviest and lightest.
Breakfast Week 2015
Our school breakfast club will be participating in Breakfast Week from Monday 26th January until Friday 30th January and will be offering some additional breakfast tasters, to highlight the variety of nutritious and tasty breakfast foods that can get your day off to a great start. We hope to Shake Up Your Wake Up!
P4 Recreate Hindu Temples
Fairtrade Fortnight 2015
This year’s Fairtrade Fortnight will focus on cocoa, sugar and tea. It will also be about turning the spotlight on Fairtrade producers who grow the products by hearing and sharing their stories. The International Group are busy planning Fairtrade Fortnight activities. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please tell your International Group Rep or leave us a comment on this blog. Fairtrade Fortnight will run from 23rd February to 8th March this year.
Scottish Thistles
Primary 7’s Wonderful World War 2 Projects!
For the last month P7 have been carrying out research at home and working hard to create a personal project. All P7 pupils got to choose what topic they wanted their project to be based on. We were also given time to work on it in class and share our progress with our peers. As part of our project work we created presentations to share our findings with the rest of the class. We have been sharing why we chose certain topics and we have really enjoyed hearing about how some of our families were involved during World War 2. We have been given the opportunity to give each other some feedback about our presentations and we are finding this very useful. Miss Brown is really looking forward to reading all of our projects, although we know it might take some time to get through all 28 of them! There will also be time for us to look at each others’ projects, appreciate how individual they all are and celebrate the hard work we have put into them.
Outdoor Learning in P7
Primary 7 braved the cold weather today and went outdoors for our maths lesson. We were working in groups to enhance our number work in fractions and problem solving. We believe that working outdoors improved our learning in an exciting way. We had much more space and we did not need to worry about making lots of noise to distract other classes. We were writing on the ground using chalk which made us less worried about making mistakes. We all know we need to make mistakes to learn from them! We all had a ball and are excited to use the outdoors as a second classroom more often!
Let it Grow!
The boys and girls in primary 2 and 2/1 have been very busy planting their little daffodil bulbs. They are very excited to water and look after them and are patiently waiting on them turning into beautiful blooming daffodils in time for spring!
Author Visit to P4
Primary 4 were delighted to have a visit from the author Mary Turner-Thomson this week. She will be working with us this term to help us write and illustrate a book in partnership with some of the boys and girls from our link school in India. The first workshop was all about “Perception” and how different people see things in different ways. We had a fun afternoon looking at and discussing lots of pictures and illusions. We can’t wait until next week’s workshop!