Primary 7’s Wonderful World War 2 Projects!

For the last month P7 have been carrying out research at home and working hard to create a personal project. All P7 pupils got to choose what topic they wanted their project to be based on. We were also given time to work on it in class and share our progress with our peers. As part of our project work we created presentations to share our findings with the rest of the class. We have been sharing why we chose certain topics and we have really enjoyed hearing about how some of our families were involved during World War 2. We have been given the opportunity to give each other some feedback about our presentations and we are finding this very useful. Miss Brown is really looking forward to reading all of our projects, although we know it might take some time to get through all 28 of them! There will also be time for us to look at each others’ projects, appreciate how individual they all are and celebrate the hard work we have put into them.

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