Primary 7A Highlights this week…..

We’ve been looking at the veins and arteries of the body and how they move blood around the body to the heart. We made a map of the body to show this.

We have started talking about our health education and discussing the changes in our bodies.

We used reading routes this week to explore atmosphere and mood. We had to use evidence from the text to support our answer.

P7 have been focusing on multiplication strategies, using mental or written methods. We are working on the accuracy of our times table knowledge to support this.

As a class we have written persuasive letters to Mrs Hollands. We used powerful openers and persuasive language to try to convince her to allow the use of personal devices for our learning and about how to develop our playground.

P4b W.B 9.9.19

Hello, this is P4b’s blog. We have had a fantastic week this week. Here are some of our highlights-

Summer ‘I have enjoyed practising for our assembly and learning about compassion’

Ben H ‘I liked writing the postcards of kindness because I liked writing to the elderly’

Amina ‘I have enjoyed making new friends and playing together’

Katie ‘I enjoyed doing spelling and learning about compassion’

Matthew ‘I am enjoying making powerpoints on the laptop. The powerpoint is about water’

Robbie ‘I enjoyed doing maths, using hundreds, tens and units’

We have been very busy! We will be back next week to share the next part of our learning journey.

From P4b

P4b learning experiences w.b 2.9.19

P4b have enjoyed a variety of learning experiences this week….

Alana ‘I enjoyed our maths activities’- we have been exploring number combinations as part of our morning chilli challenge.

Alfie ‘I enjoyed Free Writing Friday’- the children have had the opportunity to write about a subject area of their choice.

Madison ‘I enjoyed writing our poem about compassion’- we have written acrostic poems, linked to our value of the month. We look forward to sharing these during our assembly.

Malek ‘I enjoy Fact Finding Friday’- we pose a question and research the answer, using our note taking skills. Our question was : How does night time happen? Ask your child to share their findings!

Ruaridh ‘I enjoyed learning our song about compassion’- We are learning the song ‘I can’t change the world’. It is sounding fantastic!

Rory ‘ I enjoyed creating our Scottish landmark artwork to send to our partner school in India’- We drew detailed line drawings of several Scottish Landmarks which Miss Brown and Mrs Robertson will be delivering personally to India!

We have had a very busy week and P4b have enjoyed so many activities this week! Look out for more info on our learning next week!



Our Week in P6

It was lovely to meet so many parents and carers on Wednesday evening for Meet the Teacher.  If you couldn’t make it and have any questions please do get in touch.

We have had a fabulous week across both P6 classes.  Here are some comments about our learning:

I enjoyed writing my final draft of my penfriend letter.   Anya P6a

I enjoyed doing the observational drawing of our hands, then smudging using pastels.   Abby P6a

I really enjoyed doing the “getting to know you” t-shirt task with Mrs Hardie.   Sophie P6b

I enjoyed sharing my work and classroom with my parents at Meet the Teacher.   Max P6a

I enjoyed setting our new learning targets.   Katie P6b

I liked outdoor learning this week with Miss Mendoza.   Laiba P6b

See you all on Monday!

Mrs Murray and Mrs Ford

P5A & P5B are excited about the year ahead!

Primary 5 are so excited about starting off a brand new year in P5! We have started off this term with activities centred around friendship and wellbeing. We are taking care to show empathy and are making links with our school values of Respect, Responsibility & Kindness. We love these values! We will be developing strategies in growthmindset and resilience. WE are also learning about place value in Numeracy and will be learning all about 2 and 3D shape. This week we have been finding out about Climate Change and have had such interesting and thoughtful discussions. We are developing our skills in compassion and citizenship by making links to ‘Global Goals’. We are already planning exciting events such as the school’s Harvest celebration. We can’t wait to find out about how Miss Brown’s trip to India goes and have made some lovely pieces of art for her to take over and show the school in Mumbai. Watch this space….. Primary 5 are building their Learning Power!

Be The Best You Can Be!

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