Scottish Wildlife

This week in Primary 2 and Primary 2/1 we have enjoyed learning about our Scottish animals.  Primary 2a were learning about the otter, Primary 2b were discovering facts about the gull and Primary 2/1 enjoyed learning about the red deer.  We have learned many facts using our research skills and were able to tell them to the class and then use them to create a fact-file.  This was the first fact-file we had ever written and we think we did a splendid job! This has taught us more about non-fiction writing and reading, note taking as well as using bullet points.  Why do you not quiz us the next time you see us, as we are full of facts and enjoy sharing them!

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P4a Judo Session

In P4a, we really enjoyed our Judo taster session earlier this week. We wore cool jackets and all activities took place on special mats. We learned some Judo “moves” and how to be safe when doing these. Our instructor reminded us that we should only do these when at a Judo class though. We had lots of fun doing the activities with our partner!

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

This week Primary 2 and Primary 2/1 have been investigating floating and sinking.  We were able to select objects from around the classroom and place them in the water to find out if they would float or sink.  Once we had selected our objects we would discuss our hypothesis giving reasons why we thought they would either float or sink.  We were able to determine that objects which had air in them and were made from plastic would float, if objects were made from metal they would sink, also we discovered the objects we used made from foam would float at first before sinking after soaking up some water.  We also discovered that it did not matter on the size of the object, it depended upon how heavy it was.

P2a even took their experiments outside with Mrs McNaughton to explore objects in the playground to see if they would float or sink!

Look out for our beautiful lighthouses making their way home with us.  We have been very creative bees and put our final touches to them, they look delightful.

We are having so much fun!




Primary 5 in Amazonia

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Primary 5 had a fantastic day at Amazonia, where they experienced what the Amazon Rainforest is like. They had the opportunity to see some of the animals found in the Amazon Rainforest, some of them up close in the handling sessions! Primary 5a had the chance to carefully handle a tarantula, a python and hissing cockroaches, whereas Primary 5b could handle a corn snake, a gecko and the hissing cockroaches. It was an amazing start to our South America topic.

Judo in Primary 3

We had fabulous fun in Primary 3 on Monday morning when we went to a Judo session in the big hall with Marvellous Marv.  Marv played some super games with us where we began to learn some of the basics in Judo, such as trying to roll our partner off their knees and trying to stop our partner rolling us over!

Marv told us that Judo is only to be done in classes where it is safe and will soon be bringing invitations to school to tell us all about classes in Livingston.

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What’s happening in Primary 3

In Primary 3 we have been learning about how length was measured long ago, before metre sticks and rulers were invented.  Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used the hand, foot and finger to measure with.  We discovered the Egyptians used the “cubit”, the distance between your elbow and the tip of your fingers and the “half cubit” which was the same as a hand span.  We have had great fun measuring objects around the school using these units.  We have now begun to use metre sticks to measure more accurately and are developing our skills of estimation.

Inspired by our visit from the Roman soldier, we have designed and created our own Roman shields.  We have had to use our problem solving skills to ensure the shield is curved to protect our body and has a secure handle.  We have also been working in groups to research a mini topic on the Romans and have been putting our non-fiction reading skills to the test.  We have been using books to find interesting information which will we use to make a Roman fact-file on our mini topic to share with the rest of our class.


This term, P3a will be having art lessons with Miss Notman and PE with Mr Muldoon.  P3b will be having drama with Mrs Thomson, Science with Mr Taylor and PE with Mr Muldoon.

As part of Eco week, we went out into the playground today and did some litter-picking.  We were responsible for ensuring that our field and both playgrounds were litter free.  Miss Robertson and Mrs Stephen thought we did a super job!

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P5 La Cucaracha!

As part of the P5 project on South America, pupils have been learning La Cucaracha, a traditional song from Latin America.

Please click file below to hear P5 sing and play their very own version. Enjoy!

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