The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue

In primary 2 and primary 2/1 we have really enjoyed learning about lighthouses and are sad to see this topic come to an end.  To celebrate all our learning we plan on preparing and eating our own Mr. Grinling picnic.  Primary 2b have already had theirs and enjoyed learning and developing their food technology skills.  Primary 2a and primary 2/1 will have their picnic on Thursday 4th June.

We have been learning all about forces using The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue as inspiration.  After an afternoon of exploration we were able to say that the harder you push something the further it will go.  Also, to celebrate all of our learning we enjoyed an activity afternoon which encompassed all of our knoweldge and previous learning.  It was so much fun to experiment using the circuits, pulleys, floating and sinking, magnets, healthy eating and using the technology to build our own unique lighthouse.

Have a look at our pictures of our great experiment afternoon!


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Researching in P3

As part of our Romans topic, we have been working in groups to research different aspects of Roman life.  The “mini topics” that we were looking into were food and drink, clothes, houses, school, buildings, leisure, Gods and Goddesses and inventions.

We used our non-fiction reading skills to look in books to find interesting facts and then practiced note-taking by writing down the information we found.  Then we used these notes to make our own non-fiction posters, leaflets and booklets to share the information with everyone else.  We then presented our information to our classmates – we were the teachers!

We really enjoyed being responsible for our own learning and sharing what we discovered with everyone.  This was a super way to finish our topic on Romans.

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We have been very busy over the last few weeks in Primary 1. In Topic Maths we have just finished learning about money. We looked at coins up to 20p and counted coins up to 10p. To help us learn we used pretend money to buy things in a shop and played money games. Our new maths topic is position. We are learning words that tell us where things are such as in front of, above, below and behind. Through our Farm topic we are also learning information handling and are making pictograms using farm animals.

In Language, we are learning our long vowel sounds. These sounds will help us when we sound out words in our reading books and when we need to try and write different words. Primary 1 have been using these writing skills this week to write about their trip to Mill Farm. We had a think about what we did there, what we saw and what our favourite part was.

In Gym, we are continuing to learn our basic skills such as throwing, catching, kicking and bouncing. We are really confident with these now! We have also just started athletics so we have been hurdling, running in a relay, long jumping and running long distance. Every week we will learn more athletic skills and some of these will help us at sports day.


Primary 1 visit to Mill Farm

Primary 1 have just started a new topic, The Farm. It will be a science based topic and children will be learning all about how plants grow, different materials and forces. Pupils will also be learning about different types of farm, farm animals and their young and creating some lovely art for our wall display. If anyone has any expertise in this topic we would love to hear from you.

To learn more about our topic we all went on a school trip to Mill Farm. It was a lovely sunny day and we enjoyed walking around looking at all the different animals. We saw ducks, goats, chickens, pigs, rabbits, goslings and horses. Everyone then had time to play in Morag’s Meadows, which is the soft play, and then we went for our lunch in the picnic barn.

After lunch we had a lady from Mill Farm teach us all about the different animals they have and how they look after them. It was very interesting and we got to be up close to some of the animals. Our last fun activity for the day was time to play at the activities in the bottom field. Everyone had a great day but we were all very tired when we got back to school as it had been a very busy day!

P6; a busy few weeks!



IMG_1084P6 have had a busy few weeks and are now preparing and thinking about our responsibilities when we start P7. Most of us have been given a new P1 as a buddy; some of us met our buddy last week and enjoyed getting to know them. We have discussed the responsibilities that go with this job and we are all committed to ensuring that our new buddy is happy and enjoying their first year at Williamston! The rest of us can’t wait to meet our buddies when they come for their visit in a couple of weeks! In other news, we have been working hard to learn plural rules and apply this in our writing; we have learned 8 different plural rules so far and we all feel much more confident about singular and plural rules! We also enjoyed our recent group activity where we were asked to source materials to make a sukkot. Sukkot commemorates the years that the Jews spent in the desert on their way to the Promised Land, and celebrates the way in which God protected them under difficult desert conditions. Jewish families will build an open air structure in which to live during this holiday. The essential thing about the hut is that it should have a roof of branches and leaves, through which those inside can see the sky, and that it should be a temporary and flimsy thing. We think our attempts were very successful, although not life size, this activitiy really helped with our understanding of this Jewish festival.

Solve it Blocks

Our nursery children are beginning to work with Solve it Blocks. This set of 12 large blocks, are designed to support and enhance children’s teamwork, numeracy, literacy, problem solving and health and well being skills. The blocks display a selection of colours, pictures, letters and numbers. Children then have to work together to match a pattern on a card. The patterns get more challenging as the children develop their abilities. Pictures to follow.

Traditional tales and nursery rhymes

In the nursery, we have been busy exploring traditional tales and nursery rhymes. We have been making the houses of the 3 little pigs, we thought carefully about the type of material we would use. We have also looked at sequencing the story of the 3 little pigs, most of us were able to discuss the order of events and put the pictures in order. We have also worked together to perform some stories with our puppets. Additionally, some children chose to design a castle display. We thought to include towers, windows and horses, the horses were the most important part! Along with our castle we designed lots of sparkly crowns and wands. We have enjoyed singing along to lots of nursery rhymes at the end of the day.

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