Inspire Aspire Awards

P5, P6 and P7 all took part in the Inspire Aspire programme this session.  The theme for P5 and P6 was “Global Citizens in the Making” and this programme allowed pupils to explore their character, ideals and values through a poster template. It supported them in exploring the type of person they want to become, their vision for a better world and what they can do to bring this vision to life.  P7 took part in a pilot programme, new this year for the WW1 Centenary. The theme was “WW1- Inpiring Purpose” and this programme  allowed pupils to learn about the values from history and the heroic stories of those that fought and suffered on the front, while at the same time learning more about themselves and considering what they believe is important in life, again by completing a poster template.

We are delighted to inform you that Niamh from P5b has won an award and will soon attend a very special award ceremony in Glasgow. Well done to all who took part and congratulations to Niamh!

International Group News

We loved our recent visit from Kirtida and Suprabha from India and enjoyed taking part in the special assemblies. They attended one of our meetings and we were able to ask them questions about their school and country. They brought lots of Fairtrade work from their pupils, which was wonderful to see, and we showed them some of our Fairtrade work too. They also talked us through the photos of India that their pupils took for the photo competition and we learned a lot about the country.

Thank you to all who entered our photo competition. We are looking forward to judging the photos soon.

We had a stall at the Spring Fayre, where we sold our Fairtrade recipe book and promoted Fairtrade. Thanks to all who ordered a copy.

Zahra and Isabel represented us at the recent Parent Council meeting, where they gave a report on our group’s activities this year. They made a PowerPoint presentation, wrote their script and presented confidently. Well done, girls!

We are busy working on updating our display boards – look out for our new displays soon!

French Fun in P4

We have been continuing to learn and practise French vocabulary, including greetings, numbers and colours. We are now learning to ask someone how old they are (and also reply) and also how to say/recognise the months of the year. We have been playing lots of games and singing too! We especially enjoyed playing petanque in teams. Tres bien!

Value of the Month

The value of the month for May was “Responsibility”. Gavin, our local Scripture Union Representative, came into school recently to lead two assemblies on this value. He visited P6 classes to discuss this in more depth.  P3a and P5a also held special assemblies about this important value. The value of the month for June is “Perseverance”.

The Last Monster in Scotland

In Primary 4, we are busy, busy , busy rehearing for our upcoming show, The Last Monster in Scotland. We have been singing, dancing and acting, as well as designing and painting scenery. Mrs Thomson (drama) and Ms MacDonald (music) have been helping us lots. Next on the list will be costumes, props and the programme….

The show will be on Monday 22nd June and there will be two performances (morning and evening). Letters about ticket orders were sent home today. Please place orders by Monday 8th June 2015. Thanks!

Responsibility in P3a

At assembly this morning, we taught the nursery children, P1s, 2s and 3s all about the value of RESPONSIBILITY.

We have spent the last couple of weeks learning all about responsibility and working hard to share our learning with the rest of the infant classes.

We showed pictures we had drawn of us being responsible at home, showed photographs of us being responsible in school, sang a song and performed a drama of the story of The Good Samaritan.

Miss Robertson and other teachers around the school have complimented us for doing such a good job and we’re very proud that we taught everyone all about our Value of the month.

Cycle to School Challenge


Primary 5, 6 and 7 will be taking part in an exciting  Transport Scotland competition next week, Monday 1st June to Friday 5th June.

Children can help their class win the competition by cycling to school each day, if possible.  The results will be collated at the end of the week and sent off to Transport Scotland. The winning class from the participating schools win a exciting cycle day trip!

Can we take this opportunity to remind the children that cycling in the lane at school is not safe as it can be very busy… therefore they should walk with their bike along the lane.

New books for the library

Yesterday, a very excited library group took delivery of hundreds of new books for the school library. The new additions will update and expand the stock of non-fiction books. The books were purchased with £1500 of the money raised by the recent sponsored read. The library reps can’t wait to get all of the boxes unpacked and the books on the shelves!

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Perseverance in Primary 3b

In preparation for our class assembly on ‘Perseverance’ we had a special visitor this week. Darren Philip from Livingston United Parish Church came into school to tell us the story of Mary Jones and her Bible, the Three Echidnas who conquered Everest and the story of Saul. We can’t wait to share our learning with the infant classes on the 12th of June.



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