Taking Place Value outdoors!

P7 are working on Place Value in maths this term. We began today by exploring the place and value of digits in a number. We created grids on the playground using chunky chalk and in pairs rolled a dice to create numbers. We then discussed what number we had made and what value each digit had. This was a fun way to explore numbers and challenge ourselves by looking at numbers up to tens of millions! Take a look at some of our work!

Meet the Teacher Evenings

Many thanks to all the parents who attended the meet the teacher evenings. From the feedback it was very successful. Many thanks for your suggestions on how to improve our evenings and will take these on board for next time.

If you did not receive a Meet the Teacher Leaflet from your child’s class they have been added below.

P2 Parental Leaflet _2015-16

P3 Parental Leaflet 2015_16

P4 parental leaflet 2015-2016

P5Parental Leaflet 2015-16

P7 Parental Leaflet 2015-16

P6 Parental Leaflet 2015-16

Many thanks for your continued support.

New Nursery, New Term

imageOur nursery children and staff are loving our beautiful new nursery. It is a lovely fresh and calm learning environment. The children have thoroughly enjoyed investigating all of our new resources. We also have some new pet jellyfish that are quite captivating.
Our pupils are been practising all of our nursery rules and routines: how to change our shoes and jackets; good hand washing; table manners and communicating skills at snack; what makes a quality listener and making friends. Our returning pupils are doing an excellent job of welcoming our new boys and girls and remembering to be quality role models.

General housekeeping:
-Please remember to label all clothing
– all indoor shoes to be returned to gym bags at the end of each session
– snack money is now due. If you didn’t get a letter please speak to a member of staff

Primary 2 are back!

We feel very grown up now that we are in Primary 2. We have settled in well and are busy learning all of our classroom routines. Our classrooms are beginning to look lovely with all of our displays. We enjoyed making our friendship gardens and thinking about what makes a good friend.

If we want to play in the field we need to bring in suitable coats and a change of shoes. It would be good if these were in a named bag so that we can hang them up on our pegs in our cloakroom.

Well done to the boys and girls who took part in our whole school assembly about our Golden Rules.

Campaign fun in P7!

It has been a very busy few weeks back in P7! We began our journey towards deciding on our Head Boy and Girl and their deputies in the first week back and it has been quite a roller coaster ride since then.

It started with speech writing and thinking about our skills and qualities. Speeches were delivered and P7 voted. The top 5 girls and top 5 boys were decided. Campaign groups were then put together and it was time to write slogans, make posters and create jingles. Each group created a short video which was then shown at a whole school assembly and candidates were given the opportunity to deliver a speech. A whole school vote took place and all pupils from P1 to P7 and staff could vote for who they thought should be Head Boy and Girl. Votes were counted and the results were announced today.

Williamston Primary School present to you…
Kiera – Head Girl
Amy – Deputy Head Girl
Aiden – Head Boy
Joshua – Deputy Head Boy

Well done to everyone in P7 for their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication!

P4 – Do Work Hard!

In Primary 4 we have been revising the Golden Rules, in particular the rule “Do work hard”. We worked in teams to make up drama sketches to show what this means to us in school. We all performed our sketches to each other and then one sketch from each class was chosen to be filmed for the Golden Rules assembly. One video showed pupils working hard in the classroom and the other showed pupils working hard in a P.E. lesson. We also chose to sing the Disney song “Heigh-Ho” as in the film the Seven Dwarfs work hard as a team, persevere and never give up.  We added our own actions to show working hard at school. Well done to Zoe and Tom who presented the P4 items to the whole school. Keep working hard!

What’s been happening in Primary 3!?

We have had a wonderful first two weeks in Primary 3!  During this time we have been getting to know our new teachers and have had lots of fun doing different “Getting to know you” activities.  We have also been learning all about The Four Capacities, and are beginning to understand what it means to be a Successful Learner, a Confident Individual, a Responsible Citizen and an Effective Contributor.  This has seen us presenting our summer reading photographs or holiday postcards to the rest of the class in “Show and Tell” sessions, taking part in teamwork challenges and identifying our own literacy targets for this term to take responsibility for our own learning in writing.  We have also been revisiting our Rights and have been learning all about the difference between “need” and “want” and what the words “family” and “home” mean to us.

We have also taken the time to discuss expectations in Primary 3 and have come up with class Golden Rules for this year.  We were then asked to focus on a particular rule for our whole school assembly last week.  We were looking at “Looking after property” and identified that this meant our own belongings, things we borrow from our classmates and things that belong to the school.  We made posters that showed the difference between property that is looked after and property that is damaged and wasted and presented a selection of these to the rest of the school.  We enjoyed being able to be part of assembly for the first time in P3.

Here are our posters that we presented at assembly:





P1 Timetable

This term all P1 children will have indoor PE on a Tuesday so you may wish to keep shirts and ties for other days! As children will have to dress and undress independently it would help if they could practise putting on and taking off their school uniform.

P1a and P1b will have reading on Tuesdays and Thursdays and P2/1 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please follow the instructions in your child’s reading record. Reading folders should be brought to school everyday. If you have not yet provided your child with a reading folder please send one in on Monday.

P1 Sounds Super stars

Our teachers are so impressed with how well we have learned our first sounds and we hope you will be too. We have brought home our sound tubs to practise our sounds and actions with you. If you would like to have a family singsong all the Jolly Phonics songs can be found on youtube.

If you have not yet provided your child with a sound tub please send one in on Monday. Children will need their sound tubs at school every day.


Welcome to Primary 1!

We have had a wonderful start to the session and are so impressed with how well all the boys and girls are settling into school and their new routine. We have enjoyed getting to know each other in class and we are looking forward to building our relationships with parents too. There will be many opportunities for you to come into school over the course of the year but at this point in time we are desperately seeking parent helpers! If you would be able to help please let your child’s teacher know.

Please can you continue to remind your child what their home time arrangements are and also discuss their lunch options. This helps everything to run smoothly during the school day.

Be The Best You Can Be!

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