NHS Lothian Primary School Flu Vaccination Programme 2015

NHS Lothian Primary School Flu Vaccination Programme 2015

 Second Opportunity for Flu Vaccination


There will be another opportunity for pupils to attend a clinic for flu vaccination if they have not already received the flu vaccination at a school/clinic

 West Lothian venue:

Livingston Football Club Stadium

Almondvale Suite

Alderstone Road


EH54 7DN


Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015


Time: drop in 3.30pm – 6.30pm



Primary 5A at Sky Academy

Yesterday, the Primary 5a children had the opportunity to go to the sky academy where they learnt all about news reporting. They had to work in four teams to create a news report. They were each given a set job in there teams. There were producers, camera operators, editors, reporters, script writers, directors, an eyewitness and an expert. Our report was all about money and pocket money in particular.  Once all the four teams had completed their work the clips were put together to create one news report, which was fantastic. The children showed great teamwork throughout and were very happy to each be given a memory stick with there film on to take home with them at the end of the day.

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Primary 3 Sumdog Success

Congratulations to Lucy Livie of Primary 3a who was placed 10th overall in the recent West Lothian Sumdog Challenge. A great achievement given 743 pupils entered. A special mention also to Primary 3b who came 9th out of 34 qualifying classes.

Well done to all pupils who took part. Remember keep on playing Sumdog.

Nursery wk bg 23rd Nov

We have had many themes running this week: Road Safety, Book Week and outer-space.
Road Safety:
We have been continuing to discuss and identify a variety of road signs whilst out playing on the bikes in the garden or researching the internet and then making our own at the art area. Some small groups of children also participated in a traffic survey where we walked to the bus stop; discussing features of the road and how to be safe on the road as we went. We then all decided on the different types of vehicles that can be used and switched our looking eyes on to start the counting. This process helped the children learn about tally marks and through on-going discussions, we identified the most and least popular types of vehicle. The groups of children then returned to nursery to work out a way of displaying all of our information. A tally chart was made and further groups of children will add their results as more surveys are completed next week. This activity was optional to children. Also within the nursery our activity trays were set up by the children into a street scene where some pupils made their own vehicles out of junk.

Book week:
We were delighted to invite P5 down to the nursery on Wednesday. The pupils from P5 all chose their favourite books to read to the nursery children. The nursery children we paired up with a P5 pupil where they had a quiet space to read and then complete an activity that the P5 pupils made. Some completed dot-to-dot, spot the difference, colouring sheet, snap, matching pairs. This helped the nursery children develop their listening and discussion skills. We have also been listening to the stories from the nominated books for the Scottish Book Trust awards. We hear Mrs Hollands, Mr Taylor and Mrs McKenzie read different stories over the tannoy. We will then vote for our favourite book. We also had a visit of Miss Brown (p7) to read us all.
We continue to practise our songs and words for the nativity and will begin to use the stage next week. No costumes need to be supplied from home.
Next week we will be continuing to look at some aspects of road safety and beginning the preparation for Christmas.
House Keeping:
Please be vigilant to keeping the cloakroom as tidy as possible as some children are going home with incorrect shoes and clothing.
We are in urgent need of tissue donations
Reminder – the council has a 48hr policy for vomiting and diarrhoea. Please keep any child off until 48hrs after the last episode of sickness
Can all payments for term 2 snack, panto and the Christmas party please be paid ASAP

Value of the Month- Friendship- December

As part of our Religious and Moral Education values programme we are wishing to engage parents in discussing this value at home with your children and family to deepen their understanding of the importance of the value and what it can mean to us as individuals.

We are sharing some starter questions and prompts for families to help with this discussion.

Please find below some examples of discussion questions for you to use at home, these are not exhaustive nor do they need to be discussed in order and please feel free to add others of your own.

If you wish you can record this in your child’s homework jotter  through notes or drawing or  if a parent could write ‘ Ask me about our family discussion on Excellence ‘ in your child’s HW  jotter. Some stages have included this in their home learning grids and recording that this has happened can be indicated on the sheet and on the back of the sheet.

DECEMBER- Our value of the month is FRIENDSHIP.

What do you think makes someone a good friend? Why?

Who are your friends?

Who do you think is a good friend?

What is it about that person that makes him/her a good friend?

What do you like to do with your friends?

How do you feel when you are with your friends?

Draw a picture of your friends and or things you like to do with your friends?

Thank you

Value of the Month – Excellence – November

As part of our Religious and Moral Education values programme we are wishing to engage parents in discussing this value at home with your children and family to deepen their understanding of the importance of the value and what it can mean to us as individuals.

We are sharing some starter questions and prompts for families to help with this discussion.

Please find below some examples of discussion questions for you to use at home, these are not exhaustive nor do they need to be discussed in order and please feel free to add others of your own.

If you wish you can record this in your child’s homework jotter  through notes or drawing or  if a parent could write ‘ Ask me about our family discussion on Excellence ‘ in your child’s HW  jotter. Some stages have included this in their home learning grids and recording that this has happened can be indicated on the sheet and on the back of the sheet.

NOVEMBER -Our value of the month is EXCELLENCE

What do you think the value means to you?

What do you think would make an excellent school?

What do you think would make an excellent holiday?

What do you think makes excellent behaviour?

Can you give examples of people you think show excellence in their lives?

Our value assembly for Excellent was about Children in Need – Be a hero.-How did you help to be part of this?

Thank you

P2 Sensory Spelling Activities- Information for Parents

spelling homework ideas Letter 2

P2/1, P2 and P3/2 children are using sensory spelling activities for spelling homework this term.

Details of the activities can be found on the spelling sheet issued by your child’s class teacher and a copy is attached.

Activities include -Paint it! , Shaving Cream It! and Build a word with Lego! -Some exciting and creative ways to practise and learn our spelling patterns and words.

Below is some guidance for parents on when do it , how to do it and record it which we hope is helpful.

Weekly sensory spelling activities  

Information for parents

  1. Each week choose at least 1 activity (you may do more if you wish) to complete.
  2. On completion in child’s spelling jotter note the name of the activity/activities that you completed with your child.
  3. If you wish to make a comment either about how well your child completed this activity or if they enjoyed this activity please also add this.
  4. If you wish you can paste in or attach examples if possible * many of these activities you will not be able to do this as they are a bit impractical to record or just messy!
  5. If you wish you can take a photograph of this activity and paste into your child’s spelling jotter.
  6. Spelling homework is issued on Monday and we ask that you please return on Friday.

Remember it is the experience of learning for your children that is important and not the recording of it. However always delighted to see any examples and photographs 🙂

Thank you P2/1, P2 and P3/2 teachers

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