P2/1 and P2 Some Maths Homework Ideas.

The Primary 2 children have all been working really hard on number work. We love working with our new 100 number mat!

Here are some extra ideas for you to practise at home.

P2 Maths homework 2

We hope you enjoy playing these games.

Each week we try to improve our mental maths skills. Why not have a go at home? Click on the link below:

Speed Challenge 

We hope you have a nice break. We’re all looking forward to seeing you again on Wednesday.



P3/2 have had a busy week!

We have had a super week in P3/2 this week with lots of exciting learning going on.

We enjoyed our Grandparent Day and would like to thank everyone who was able to join us. It was great fun!

On Thursday, we visited the National Museum of Scotland to learn about the Romans. We looked at lots of interesting artefacts and enjoyed exploring the museum in our groups. The trip was a huge success and the staff, pupils and helpers enjoyed the day!

We have been learning a new skill in maths this week and have been estimating numbers. We even managed to estimate Mrs Cameron’s age!!!

We have been developing our knowledge of alphabetical order and using a dictionary this week and have enjoyed lots of active learning opportunities to practise these skills.

We are currently moving class and will be in our new classroom on Wednesday when we return after the February break. It will be very exciting!

Have a lovely February break!


P6 have been GETTING CREATIVE and exploring Glow Mail…

BYOD... opening new doors of creativity at all turns for P6.
BYOD… opening new doors of creativity at all turns for P6.


On Friday P6 entered into the realms of sheer and absolute creativity, and, perhaps even without knowing…

In our ‘Digital Technologies Across the Curriculum’ (D-TAC? We’re trying to think of a name!) session we were looking at emailing. We all ‘assumed’ we knew how to do it. 85% of use already have personal email accounts. So we know how to email right? NOT QUITE YET…we discovered!

Key Skills we learnt about EMAIL IN GLOW:

1. Know your login/password (And if it is your device – click ‘save for future’, little box, saves time!).

2. Click on Microsoft Outlook 365 tab. Wow it looks different to my other email account!

3. Find out my own email address… ‘My Profile’

4. Add contacts through ‘People’ – this makes it easier to see my friends, add groups, email quickly.

5. Send an email to Mrs Gray. Wow we filled her inbox, didn’t we P6?

6. Found out what ‘CC’ stands for/means in emailing. Yeah, we had seen it before, did we know what it meant? Nope. It means ‘Carbon Copy’, like if you want other people to see what you’re emailing but it’s not exactly for them. Pretty good idea, right?

7. We all got excited about changing our profile picture, and then had to be even more creative. All our devices were very different. Everything appeared very different on all of our screens. Let’s start real exploration – we found out how to change/create lots of stuff through doing this!


~ P6 trust yourselves and each other more, remember I am no expert either. Let’s ask each other, before we ask me, if we are unsure about something.


~ What now? Shall we set up an email group? Shall we use email within a lesson/activity (peer assessment method?). You will have better ideas than me…



P6 have been taking inspiration from the late, and great, Steve Jobs...
P6 have been taking inspiration from the late, and great, Steve Jobs…

Chinese New Year in P3

Happy Chinese New Year!

Primary 3 have been enjoying learning about the story of Chinese New Year and discovering why the years are named after animals – ask us to share our learning at home!  We also watched a video that showed how children and their families might celebrate Chinese New Year, and enjoyed watching a dragon parade and learning about traditional celebrations.

Primary 3b then used lucky colours to design a Chinese New Year poster.  We had to include a picture to show it is the year of the monkey and some of us had a try at drawing a Chinese style monkey.  We listened to traditional Chinese music while we worked, and some of us described the music as “beautiful” – it was very relaxing and helped us work.

Pupil Council Minutes 8 02 16

8th February, This week we have spoken about our I journals and what we thought we could improve or see more of in our I journals and what we liked about them here are some of our opinions

  • We like looking back to see our learning from the past
  • We love remembering the memories
  • We love putting things in to remember them as years go on
  • We want to see more of our work In our I journals
  • We want to see more photos of ourselves
  • We want to see more of our personal achievements.
  • We want to also see more art work and music work

We have been thinking about our report cards and we have asked the little ones who the think should write their report cards most said school staff and some said us and our mums and dads. We also asked them what should be included in the report cards they said a small report on music and drama, our behaviour ,our best work ,comments on work, our learning experiences and a learning profile.


Pupil council have been looking at organising some activities for example fun days, more playground toys. We have also been looking more closely at your learning. We have a group of pupils working on bullying and how we can stop it happening around our school.

Like we said last week about the groups this week we have made posters and you will see them dotted around the school.

That is all we have to say for this week.

By Ruby and Ellie

Pupil Council Minute 25th January and 1st Feburary 2016

25th January -Last week pupil council focused on voting and hearing peoples speeches on what role they want to play in pupil council and we came to our decision that our roles were Amy Wright and Anna Wallace as chair people, Ruby Wallace and Ellie Arthurs as secretaries, Jessica Douglas as link officer and Chloe Caruthers as our treasurer.

1st February -This week pupil council focused on what we think we could do for the school to make it a better place. We had many ideas from you and we had a discussion on what ones we could achieve. We finally decided on them and put them into groups. Anna and Amy sorted us into them and we thought of some ideas then we shared them in front of the group. We wonder what next week will bring!!!!

By Ruby & Ellie

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