Category Archives: Pupil Council

Pupil Council Minutes 8 02 16

8th February, This week we have spoken about our I journals and what we thought we could improve or see more of in our I journals and what we liked about them here are some of our opinions

  • We like looking back to see our learning from the past
  • We love remembering the memories
  • We love putting things in to remember them as years go on
  • We want to see more of our work In our I journals
  • We want to see more photos of ourselves
  • We want to see more of our personal achievements.
  • We want to also see more art work and music work

We have been thinking about our report cards and we have asked the little ones who the think should write their report cards most said school staff and some said us and our mums and dads. We also asked them what should be included in the report cards they said a small report on music and drama, our behaviour ,our best work ,comments on work, our learning experiences and a learning profile.


Pupil council have been looking at organising some activities for example fun days, more playground toys. We have also been looking more closely at your learning. We have a group of pupils working on bullying and how we can stop it happening around our school.

Like we said last week about the groups this week we have made posters and you will see them dotted around the school.

That is all we have to say for this week.

By Ruby and Ellie

Pupil Council Minute 25th January and 1st Feburary 2016

25th January -Last week pupil council focused on voting and hearing peoples speeches on what role they want to play in pupil council and we came to our decision that our roles were Amy Wright and Anna Wallace as chair people, Ruby Wallace and Ellie Arthurs as secretaries, Jessica Douglas as link officer and Chloe Caruthers as our treasurer.

1st February -This week pupil council focused on what we think we could do for the school to make it a better place. We had many ideas from you and we had a discussion on what ones we could achieve. We finally decided on them and put them into groups. Anna and Amy sorted us into them and we thought of some ideas then we shared them in front of the group. We wonder what next week will bring!!!!

By Ruby & Ellie