Special Arrival in P4!

In P4, we were delighted to welcome some special arrivals recently – baby trout! We are doing a project with Forth Fisheries where we are raising trout fish from alevins to fry. We have got a special tank for them and our main job is to make sure that the water is the correct cool temperature by using bottles of ice. We change the bottles of ice twice a day to make sure the temperature doesn’t get too high. We will be releasing them into the local waterways when they  have all turned into fry.We are enjoying watching them change and grow – science in action before our very eyes!

P4 Scottish Wildlife Technology Homework Project

Wow! What talented model-builders we have in P4! We have been so impressed by the high standard of Scottish wildlife models that were made at home as part of a home-learning task recently. We demonstrated our creativity and problem-solving skills by using a wide range of materials to build models of lots of different types of animal. We also had to research our chosen animal and find out facts about it. Over the next couple of weeks we will be presenting the model and information to our classmates. Thanks to all at home who helped with this project.

Netball Tournament

Today the school netball team competed in the Livingston Netball League alongside Livingston Village PS, Harrysmuir PS, Knightsridge PS and Parkhead PS.

We were all very focused on improving our skills rather than on winning as most of our team are new to netball. We came 5th overall which we are very proud of. The team were very supportive towards each other and feel much more confident now they have experienced some league games. This opportunity helped us to focus in on the court positions that we prefer or would like to experience more. We are also looking to recruit some new members!

We are excited to play in the league again in May/June 2016.

Congratulations to the team! Williamston is very proud of you!

Fairtrade Shopping




IMG_2276We have been busy doing our Fairtrade shopping. Some children walked to the local co-op in search of Fairtrade food that we can use for our snack time! We knew how to spot the Fairtrade products from the bright green, black and blue symbol. We have also been learning all about how bananas get to our local supermarkets. Pablo, the super banana, told us his story about how all the farmers helped him grow strong and healthy and how he made his journey from Colombia to our supermarket. Our nursery children will definately be able to spot fairtrade products when they are out at the shops.

Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2016

Today we travelled to the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow to attend the Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2016. The authors of the three short-listed books in the Bookbug category of the awards read excerpts from their books whilst the illustrators demonstrated their artistic talents.

Over 30,000 children voted for their favourite book. There was great excitement as the winner was announced ……

“Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School” by Simon Puttock and Ali Pye.

After the ceremony we were lucky enough to meet the authors who signed copies of their books for us.

A fantastic experience!


Fairtrade Fortnight 29th February – 13th March 2016

The Fairtrade Pupil Leadership Group have been very busy getting ready for Fairtrade Fortnight. We have been making posters to let the school know what we have planned, we delivered an assembly to the whole school to launch it and we have been coming up with questions for the Fairtrade and breakfast themed quiz!

The International Pupil Leadership Group have also been busy making information leaflets about where our food comes from.

Please see the attached information about events and activities happening at Williamston Primary School during Fairtrade Fortnight.

We will keep you posted with updates, information and photographs!

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