P6 First Aid

On Wednesday 31st August we got to meet Alan and Rhona from Lowport. They came along to teach us some basic first aid. They firstly showed us a video about how to put someone int the recovery position. Then they showed us how to put our friends in the recovery position. Afterwards we got into groups. One group went and practiced CPR, while the other group learned about stopping a cut wound using bandages. We enjoyed their visit but will hopefully never need to perform CPR.
By Ben McCulloch

P5 Weekly News

We have worked very hard on our Paralympic mini topic. We learnt about the sports that are involved, the Paralympic values and created bar charts showing how well different countries did.

In the coming week we will begin our new topic ‘Harvest’. We will be sharing our learning on this in a few week time to the whole school in the harvest assembly. As well as attending the Harvest Cluster Assembly at the Lanthorn on the 11th October.img_1691 img_1692 img_1693

Primary 3a 23.9.16

A short but busy week in Primary 3a!

In numeracy, we have updated our Paralympic medal table and created a block graph – didn’t Team GB do well with 64 gold medals! We also enjoyed playing “hit the button”.

In health, we have been talking about bullying with Miss Pattison and have designed amazing posters.

We had great fun making our Paralympic spelling words with playdough.

Our preparations for our class assembly are going well. Yesterday we had a special visitor, Stephanie our new minister. She told us some of the bible stories which demonstrate thoughtfulness.


These are our highlights of the week:

Molly – I am enjoying my group reading book.

Max – I enjoyed using playdough to spell my words.

Callum – Science was great this week, we were doing floating and sinking experiments.

Aisling – I enjoyed drawing a picture from “The Good Samaritan” and acting out the story.

We are looking forward to our assembly, all friends and family are invited. See you on Friday at 9.50am.

23.9.16 This week in Primary One…

We have been learning the sounds g,v and x. Here are some new words for you to practise making with your sounds at home:

box fox van got bag mix six

It is great to hear from the children about the games they have been playing with their reading words at home. Keep up the good work!!


We are becoming much more confident at counting forwards and backwards within 10 and if you tell us a sequence of 3 numbers eg “2,3,4” we can tell you which number comes next.  We have also been learning the days of the week and love singing them. Visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tx0rvuXIRg if you would like to sing along at home!!

Have a lovely weekend

Primary One and teachers

A short but sweet week in P7b! 23.09.16

House Captain candidates continued working hard this week on their campaigns. Each candidate presented in front of their house today and all pupils from Primary 1 to 7 got to vote for who they wanted to be the House Captains. Well done to all candidates and their campaign groups for all their hard work and we cannot wait to find out the results!

We enjoyed problem solving this week and used logic to help us. We had to select key information from clues to seat passengers on an aeroplane and ensure all passengers were happy.

PE was tiring and terrific. Mr Muldoon challenged us with circuits including skipping and running and we really had to push ourselves out of our comfort zones.

We explored the Global Goals and focused on Goal 5 – Gender equality. We discussed what that means to us and explored the story of Malala. We have some exciting homework to complete to help contribute to a huge survey.

Miss Brown and P7b

P4a News 21.9.16-23.9.16

In P4a we have continued to learn about water as part of our topic. We checked our water tubs that we set up in an experiment last week. We found that in the tub without a cover, the water level had gone down and in the tub with a cover, the water level was the same and there were droplets of water on the side. We will be learning more about evaporation and condensation and the water cycle soon.

We are busy learning about the value of Thoughtfulness in preparation for our assembly next week. Stephanie, the new minister, came into help us with this. Ms MacDonald has also helped by teaching us two songs. We are looking forward to our assembly next Friday, 30th September, at 9.05am. P4a parents and carers are invited to attend.

Other News: In P.E., we are developing our fitness as we take part in circuits with Mr Muldoon. We have been revising correct letter formation to improve our handwriting. We have been comparing two characters and finding similarities and differences between them. Our new novel is the BFG in preparation for Book Week Scotland and a drama workshop in November. We have been learning about the Global Goals – there are 17 goals to achieve by 2030, when we are 22 years old. They aim to respect the planet, end poverty and fight inequality. We have been thinking about our learning targets for the term and setting ourselves new challenges. We enjoyed the House Captain campaigns and we all got a chance to vote for two candidates.



P7a – 23.9.16

It’s been a short week after our September weekend but we still managed to fit in some exciting things!


In P.E this week with Mr Muldoon we did circuit training – We did exercises such as, planks, hula hoops, burpees, star jumps, press ups and cycle supreme! We feel very fit now!


With Ms MacDonald, we worked on ‘Global goals’ –  ‘The World’s largest lesson’! We worked on trying to recycle more, lesson pollution and looked at Malala Yousafzai  and how she had the confidence to write her book/speeches about girls’ education.


Today was a very important and exciting day for Primary 7, yet again! Today we watched presentations from our House Captain candidates! We will find out on Monday who our new Captains will be and will update our blog/Twitter with this news!


Come back next week for an update on our learning!


P7a & Miss G 🙂


P7a blog post – 16.9.16

What a week!

We found out who our Head boy/girl and Depute Head boy/girl were!


Head boy – Shay Hamilton

Head girl – Grace Guest


Depute Head boy – Ross Fairley

Depute Head girl – Isabel Drago Ferrante


They all feel very excited and honoured about their new roles!


P7a & P7b are all working together now on their ‘House Captain’ campaigns, where the voting process will continue this Friday morning and we will be able to announce who our new House Captains will be!


We have also been getting organised for our school camp – PGL Dalguise. Rooms have now been sorted and kit lists given out! Exciting times! The countdown has begun!


In writing this week, we have been learning how to write a persuasive letter, focusing on persuasive language and layout.

In maths, we have been focusing on place value and rounding. We really enjoyed using Yammer last week in our maths’ work.


P7a & Miss Gardiner

P7b blog post – 16.9.16

Welcome to our P7b Blog. At Williamston Primary School, Primary 7 is an exciting and busy year filled with a variety of opportunities. We have a strong pupil leadership team and P7 are lucky enough to take this forward throughout the school. We enjoy all of our roles and responsibilities and are aware that these help us to develop skills that we will not only use in preparation for high school but are also lifelong learning skills. We are trying to take on more responsibility for our own learning and use our diaries to help us with being more organised.

We absolutely love being buddies to the P1 children and look forward to lots of activities and events with them throughout the year.


We are already excited about PGL camp, our trip to The Risk Factory and P7 show!


In P7 we embrace new challenges, work together and thrive to be the best that we can be!


Be The Best You Can Be!

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