25/11/16 – Primary 7a

Lots going on this week!

This week was ‘Book week’! For this, we designed Roald Dahl related props, heard stories over the tanoy system from Mrs Hollands, Miss Noble & Mr Brice. We then voted for our favourite one and ‘Shark in the Park’ won! We also watch a ‘Live Author’s Show’ and engaged in a whole school ‘Book week’ assembly.


We had our first Mandarin lesson this week, where we learned about China and the Mandarin word for panda!

We also had our final Tobacco Education workshop, which we have very much enjoyed.

Yesterday, we had a Science Teacher and 3 former Williamston pupils from JYHS visit and deliver a Science lesson to us! Very exciting!


We’re looking forward to another exciting week next week!


P7a & Miss G 🙂

Spotty Week in P4a!

What a spotty week we have had in P4a! We have enjoyed dressing up in spots for Children in Need and helping to raise money for this charity. We had a competition to design either a pair of spotty wellies for Pudsey, a spotty bow for Blush or a spotty t-shirt. At Golden Time we made Pudsey and Blush puppets. We enjoyed the assembly and disco – well done and thank you to P6 for organising. We also spent time finding out about the charity and how it helps children. We discussed why some children might need some help and found out about some of the projects and children the charity has helped.

For Anti-Bullying Week, we watched some films about bullying and reviewed some presentations. We talked about what bullying means, different types of bullying and what to do if you, or someone you know, is being bullied. We also considered why some people might become bullies. We made posters about these issues to display around the classroom.

In Language we have been practising joining sentences together to make longer and more interesting sentences using different joining words (or connectives). We have also continued with our poetry theme and written poems about the “Value of the Month” – Peace. We are looking forward to Book Week next week.

In Maths we have continued investigating and exploring symmetry, especially shapes and patterns with more than one line of symmetry. We have completed an assessment activity for our I-JournALs. We have also continued exploring addition strategies – this week focusing on using number bonds to help us add bigger numbers (e.g. 5+3=8 so 45+3=48) and drawing number line diagrams to help us add numbers that bridge a multiple of 10 (e.g. 78+6).

In Topic we have begun learning about climate zones around the world while developing our skills in listening for information. In Health we are continuing to develop a growth mindset and this week were discussing what effort in our learning means. In P.E. we began playing games of Handball in teams – great fun! We have also been out in the playground and begun a mini-topic on Playground Leadership. We are going to be working in teams to develop new playground games. In Music we are learning about pitch and how to read music.

Primary One’s weekly update

This week in Primary One we have been learning the ‘ch’ sound and action. Please help us to build words like chip, chop, chat and chick at home.

Our number of the week was 16 and we have been talking about all the things we know about 16 eg what number it comes after, how to write it, ways to make 16 using our fingers and toes. I wonder what next week’s number will be?!!

With Christmas fast approaching our nativity rehearsals have begun. Parts and any lines to learn will be sent home next week so please look out for these and help us to practise at home.

As the weather changes we are becoming quicker and better at getting ourselves prepared for wet and cold playtimes. Please ensure all outdoor clothes are labelled clearly to prevent our lost property bag filling up.

P2/1 and P2

This week we have been busy consolidating all our long vowel sounds. We are looking forward to our new spelling homework activities which we can either do in our jotters or take a photograph and stick in our jotters.  The suggested activities will be inside our spelling home work jotters and we can choose one of these each week.


We have had another busy week in our classrooms. Here are some of our children’s thoughts :


Daniel : ‘ I enjoyed counting up to and back from 90’.

Lily: ‘ I enjoyed finding how many cupfuls/beakers/spoonfuls it took to fill a bucket of water.’

Lyle and Sam : ‘ I enjoyed building a skeleton’.

Mekhi : ‘ I enjoyed playing with the pirate ship’.

International Film Club

The International Film Club has started after school on Tuesdays. We will be watching a series of films with an international theme or link. We have already watched a short film called The Barrel about a boy living near an oil field in Venezuela. We had to concentrate hard as the film was in Spanish with English subtitles! We are now watching an animation film made by a Japanese director and animation company. The film is called Ponyo and it is a  magical adventure film about a fish who changes into a girl after she is discovered trapped in a jar at the seashore by a little boy. We are enjoying it so far!

P7b 11.11.16

The House Captains launched the new house points system this week. Every pupil is working towards earning lucky coins for their house which the House Captains will collect and count each week. The winning house will get extra playtime on a Friday. You have to work incredibly hard to earn the lucky coins.

P7 led the whole school Remembrance assembly. We worked really hard this week to prepare for the assembly. We involved some teachers in the school by asking them if they could remember the names of some of their previous pupils. It showed us that most of our teachers are good at remembering – except Mr Brice!

On Wednesday Michelle from the West Lothian Drugs and Alcohol Team came in to deliver our first Tobacco Education workshop. We explored what happens to the body when you smoke and we couldn’t believe that there are about 4000-6000 chemicals in one cigarette. We also learned lots of the impact smoking has on our health and our lives.

P7 pupils had the opportunity to try out for the school football team and we are excited to say that everyone who attended will be a part of the team.

We got started with our WW2 topic and began to explore the events of WW1 and how WW2 started. As part of this we have begun to look at Judaism and had some research questions. We loved sharing our findings on Yammer and learning from each other.

In maths we have been reflecting on what we know about time and identifying areas we would like to improve. In addition to this we have been exploring mental strategies for subtraction to help us feel more confident with subtracting larger numbers.

We are looking forward to our next Tobacco Education workshop next week and the Primary 6 ‘Children in Need’ assembly next Friday.

Bon week-end from P7b and Miss Brown

P7a – 11/11/16

Another busy week for P7!


Today we had our ‘Remembrance Day’ assembly. Thank you to all the classes and Nursery who created poppies to display during our assembly.

We had a tobacco workshop on Wednesday, which developed our knowledge and raised our awareness of the dangers of smoking.

We also started our P.L.Gs on Monday and enjoyed working with pupils from across the school.

We had our ‘Reflective spaces’ workshops with Gavin. We learned more about ‘Peace’ and how to create a sense of ‘calmness’ in our lives.

Our P7 House Captains counted and did their first presentation of the year to the whole school, giving this week’s total of ‘Lucky house tokens’ which was very exciting!

Next week, we’re looking forward to ‘Anti-Bullying week’, where we’ll be joined by ‘Changing faces’ who will be running workshops in the school for some classes. We’ll have our second tobacco workshop on Wednesday. We’re also looking forward to P6 leading the school’s ‘Children in Need’ assembly on Friday!


P7a & Miss G

News from P2 and P2/1

We were so excited to find a magic key in our classroom this week. It was huge and heavy to hold. We are so excited about where it might take us. The magic key helped us to think about how we could describe the key using ‘ wow ‘ words. We are looking forward to using these words in our story writing.


Our sound this week was really tricky, ‘ou’ as in mouse and ‘ow’ as in cow. It might be a good idea to look for these sounds this weekend when you are out and about. We measured our tables using hand spans, bricks and little cubes. I wonder what we discovered…

Every morning this week we have been very busy making poppies for a class wreath. We laid our wreaths at our Remembrance Assembly and reflected on the significant events around World War One.


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