Spotty Week in P4a!

What a spotty week we have had in P4a! We have enjoyed dressing up in spots for Children in Need and helping to raise money for this charity. We had a competition to design either a pair of spotty wellies for Pudsey, a spotty bow for Blush or a spotty t-shirt. At Golden Time we made Pudsey and Blush puppets. We enjoyed the assembly and disco – well done and thank you to P6 for organising. We also spent time finding out about the charity and how it helps children. We discussed why some children might need some help and found out about some of the projects and children the charity has helped.

For Anti-Bullying Week, we watched some films about bullying and reviewed some presentations. We talked about what bullying means, different types of bullying and what to do if you, or someone you know, is being bullied. We also considered why some people might become bullies. We made posters about these issues to display around the classroom.

In Language we have been practising joining sentences together to make longer and more interesting sentences using different joining words (or connectives). We have also continued with our poetry theme and written poems about the “Value of the Month” – Peace. We are looking forward to Book Week next week.

In Maths we have continued investigating and exploring symmetry, especially shapes and patterns with more than one line of symmetry. We have completed an assessment activity for our I-JournALs. We have also continued exploring addition strategies – this week focusing on using number bonds to help us add bigger numbers (e.g. 5+3=8 so 45+3=48) and drawing number line diagrams to help us add numbers that bridge a multiple of 10 (e.g. 78+6).

In Topic we have begun learning about climate zones around the world while developing our skills in listening for information. In Health we are continuing to develop a growth mindset and this week were discussing what effort in our learning means. In P.E. we began playing games of Handball in teams – great fun! We have also been out in the playground and begun a mini-topic on Playground Leadership. We are going to be working in teams to develop new playground games. In Music we are learning about pitch and how to read music.

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