P4a Road Safety Week

We all enjoyed Road Safety Week in P4a.

We took part in lots of activities. We wrote acrostic poems to tell people the benefits of walking to school. We played a board game and used it as inspiration to invent our own road safety board games. We made word searches with words related to keeping safe and transport. We also played some games on the laptops. See:


In Language we read a Ziggy story all about road safety. The Ziggy stories are for young children and they help them to understand the road safety message in a fun way. We have planned our own Ziggy  stories which we will write next week. We will be trying to included interesting vocabulary and different connectives. We look forward to sharing our stories with road safety messages with the P1 children soon.

In Maths, we recorded all our addition strategies in our Maths Diaries and some of us made posters for our Maths Wall. We started working with Mrs Millar, the Numeracy Teacher, and she is now helping us with our subtraction strategies and linking addition and subtraction processes.  We have been practising doubles (e.g. 25+25) and using these to work out near doubles (e.g. 25+26, 25+24). Some of us took part in the Numeracy Curriculum Evening and enjoyed sharing our addition strategies with our parents as we completed Chilli Challenges and Number Talks. We made symmetrical Christmas trees for our art display. We have started a new topic on 3D and 2D shapes – we will be revising the ones we know and their properties, and then learning some new ones too!

In French, we had a visit from Mrs Kasparek to help us learn about Christmas and winter in France. We now know some French vocabulary for this time of year and also we learned about some French Christmas customs and food. We sang a French Christmas song and played some games. Thank you Mrs Kasparek.

In P.E., we have now finished our Handball block with Mr Muldoon. There will be a P4 Handball Festival in February  – we look forward to that! We now start a block of Futsal with a specialist Futsal coach. We were also lucky to have a Fencing taster workshop this week – we learned the names for the different bits of equipment, how to stand and move and how to be safe. The Fencing after-School Club will be running again from January – hopefully some of us will sing up for this.


Fairtrade stall at the Christmas Fayre

On Sunday 27th of November it was the Williamston Primary School Christmas fayre and the Fairtrade Pupil Leadership Group set up a stall selling; floating dragonflies, leather and fabric friendship bracelets and sparkly sequin pens. We were successful in selling most of the items but some were not sold. We are going to be selling them on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at break this week in Miss Brown’s classroom. The cost of all items are £1 other than the sparkly pens which cost £2.
In addition to this, some members of the group went round the fayre asking parents their opinion on the school having Fairtrade school uniform items. Thank you to all parents who took part in this survey and for supporting Fairtrade at our fayre.

Thank you,

The Fairtrade Pupil Leadership Group

News from P2/1 and P2A

We have been so busy this week in P2/1 and P2a. We actually managed to count to 100 and then back from 100 to zero.

Lily said : ‘ It was really challenging counting back from 100’.

We enjoyed working with 2D shape and we are trying to remember the names of five sided, six sided and eight sided shapes. Can you remember the names?

Daniel  said : ‘ I loved playing the shape lotto game with my teacher, Lily and Jessica’.

We are really enjoying all our spelling activities which we do at home and at school. We love to show our teachers the words we have learned when we do our spelling test on a Friday.

The biggest highlight of this week was visiting the Red Planet. We loved drawing our own ‘ creatures’ from the story which is already part of our Magic Key display. Where will the key take us next week?


Primary One start the countdown to Christmas!

We have been so busy practising our nativity this week and are looking forward to performing for you. Many thanks for all your help at home to learn our words.

This week we have been learning about 3D objects. Perhaps you could look around your house and see if you can find examples of cylinders, cubes, cones, cuboids and spheres.

Our new sound this week was wh and our tricky words were you and your. Please continue to practise word building at home.

Please could we remind everyone that, although readingbooks are only collected in on a Monday, it is important that the children have their reading book at school every day so that they can participate in group reading and independent reading activities.

Many thanks for your continued support.

A week with P7b! 2.12.16

This week we wrote our own letters imagining we were evacuees and were evacuated to the countryside or to the other side of the world! We all put in our best effort! It must have been hard being an evacuee in WW2.

We had a visit from the author of the Spy Quest books, Andy Briggs
Who we actually met back in P6. It was nice to see Andy again with his new book called Spy Quest:The Cursed Diamond. Andy is having a book signing this Saturday at Waterstones, Livingston Centre from 11 am.

On Thursday we had a visit from some S6 students and a science teacher from JYHS who taught us about the PH Scale and what colour acids, alkali and neutrals are. We carried out our own experiment and recorded the results. It was very fun!

Also on Thursday we had creative hour. Some of us went to choir, while Group 1 created pop art, Group 2 were doing water colours based on art by Claude Monet and Group 3 worked on detailed line drawings inspired by Joannna Basford.

We have also started preparing for our class values assembly next Friday based on the value of love. We have some great ideas and have been busy writing scripts and bringing these ideas together!

Have a good weekend,

P7b and Miss Brown

Blog post written by Kayleigh Patterson and Olivia McOwat

P6 visit Hopetoun House

On Wednesday 30 November primary 6 went to Hopetoun house we all had lots of fun. When we got there we were welcomed by two ladies who were wearing Victorian maid dresses. When we went into the classroom we had our snacks then p6a became servants,for the first half of the day and p6b played Victorian street games and explored the history of Hopetoun House. Some street games we played were skipping rope, skittles,jack in the box, tiddly winks. We were then shown around the house, which was so amazing! Back in the classroom we tried quill writing where we wrote our names using the pheasant feather and ink. The ladies told us that Victorian children would be punished for smudging the ink or if they were left handed they would be forced to write with their right hand. Then after lunch we swapped round and p6b became servants and p6a. It was great fun dressing up and getting into the roles of servants. The best role was butler as he was the boss of all the servants. The worst job to have was the scullery maid who were never allowed to leave the kitchen, they even had to sleep under the kitchen table! It must have been hard work during the Victorian era!
By Alix and Eilidh

Book Week in P4a

We have all enjoyed Book Week! We have been busy planning, designing and making props with a Roald Dahl theme and had great fun using junk modelling to create these. Paired Reading with the Primary 1 pupils gave us the opportunity to use expressive voices when reading aloud. We took part in a drama workshop with the One Day Creative company. The workshop was based on The BFG, our class novel, and we acted out different characters and parts from the story. We made waves and mountains for the BFG and Sophie to journey through and we took on the roles of the giants, the RAF and the army. The book readings on the tannoy were funny and we voted on our favourite book. The most popular in our class was “Shark in the Park”. A 20 minute Silent Reading time was a bit of a challenge for us – but we are pleased to say that we did it! We learned about the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and had a look at our new Reading Passports. We took part in a quiz to find out what types of books are our favourites and we will use this information to help us choose books in the future. We each made a sticker showing our favourite book and took part in the Book Week assembly by singing a song from The BFG film.

The NSPCC visited us on Wednesday and held a special assembly to inform us about children’s rights and how children should be treated by adults and other children. The NSPCC mascot “Buddy the Speech Bubble” helped to give us the message that if you are in trouble or worried about something, that you should speak to a trusted adult. They also told us how to contact Childline if we need help or support. Remember “Speak Out. Stay Safe.”

In Maths this week we have continued with our addition topic. We have been practising doubles up to double 20 and playing games to help us remember these. We have been thinking about all the addition strategies that we can use and recording these in our Maths Diaries – strategies such as making the nearest 10, drawing a number line and using number bonds to add bigger numbers. We had the opportunity to practise these skills to solve “Chilli Challenges” involving addition and subtraction problems – we could decide what level of challenge we felt we could do – mild, hot or spicy. We look forward to sharing some strategies and activities with you at the Numeracy Curriculum Evening on 29th November.

P7b 25.11.16

We are very proud of the swimmers in P7 this week who represented the school in gala. Well done to all!

We had our final tobacco education workshop this week. We were learning about the dangers of second hand smoking, the affects it can have on your body and about smoke free homes and zones. Ask us more about this experience!

We have had a super week celebrating World Book week. We have been very busy…
-making props inspired by Roald Dahl books
-pairing up with P3 pupils to share a story
-tuning in to authors live with Lauren Child
-exploring the First Ministers reading challenge

As part of our WW2 topic we have been learning about gas masks and wrote our own instructions on how to use one correctly.

We have begun exploring strategies for multiplying larger numbers in our heads and realise how important being confident with our times tables is!

“I really enjoyed the creative hour this week and learning about a new artist.” Imran Ali

“I loved listening to Lauren Child on Thursday and found her very inspiring!” Miss Brown

Bye just now,

P7b and Miss Brown

Book Week Scotland 2016

We celebrated Book Week Scotland with lots of exciting activities. The focus this year was Roald Dahl. On Monday, P3 and P4 enjoyed fantastic BFG workshops delivered by One Day Creative. We enjoyed Mrs Hollands, Miss Noble and Mr Brice reading the three books shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards over the tannoy. The overwhelming winner was “Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt. We took part in paired reading, Authors Live events and designed a new front cover for a Roald Dahl book. We also created props from Roald Dahl books and took them along to the whole school assembly on Friday. What a wonderful way to round off a fun packed week!

Don’t our dream jars look great!

bws-logos-cmyk-pink-hr2016 101_1603 101_1599 101_1574

News from P2/1 and P2A

This week Primary 2 were given their first spelling words. We got to practise making these words in class and at home. Our teachers are very impressed with all the chalking, painting and creative activities we have used to help us learn our words. Thank you to all the boys and girls who remembered to return their books on Friday. Our teachers love how we have covered our jotters.

We are can’t wait for next week…. we think we might be counting up to and backwards from 100 . Will we be able to do it?

We really enjoyed being illustrators this week and listening to the Castle Adventure Story. Where will the Magic Key take us next week ?

We were so glad that Shark in the Park on a Windy Day  was the most popular book of the stories read over the tannoy.  It was so funny , we loved it ! What books are you going to read over the weekend?


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