Book Week in P4a

We have all enjoyed Book Week! We have been busy planning, designing and making props with a Roald Dahl theme and had great fun using junk modelling to create these. Paired Reading with the Primary 1 pupils gave us the opportunity to use expressive voices when reading aloud. We took part in a drama workshop with the One Day Creative company. The workshop was based on The BFG, our class novel, and we acted out different characters and parts from the story. We made waves and mountains for the BFG and Sophie to journey through and we took on the roles of the giants, the RAF and the army. The book readings on the tannoy were funny and we voted on our favourite book. The most popular in our class was “Shark in the Park”. A 20 minute Silent Reading time was a bit of a challenge for us – but we are pleased to say that we did it! We learned about the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and had a look at our new Reading Passports. We took part in a quiz to find out what types of books are our favourites and we will use this information to help us choose books in the future. We each made a sticker showing our favourite book and took part in the Book Week assembly by singing a song from The BFG film.

The NSPCC visited us on Wednesday and held a special assembly to inform us about children’s rights and how children should be treated by adults and other children. The NSPCC mascot “Buddy the Speech Bubble” helped to give us the message that if you are in trouble or worried about something, that you should speak to a trusted adult. They also told us how to contact Childline if we need help or support. Remember “Speak Out. Stay Safe.”

In Maths this week we have continued with our addition topic. We have been practising doubles up to double 20 and playing games to help us remember these. We have been thinking about all the addition strategies that we can use and recording these in our Maths Diaries – strategies such as making the nearest 10, drawing a number line and using number bonds to add bigger numbers. We had the opportunity to practise these skills to solve “Chilli Challenges” involving addition and subtraction problems – we could decide what level of challenge we felt we could do – mild, hot or spicy. We look forward to sharing some strategies and activities with you at the Numeracy Curriculum Evening on 29th November.

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