Category Archives: Primary 4a

P4a’s Fair Week!

We enjoyed our visit to the Lanthorn Centre for the P4 cluster Fair Trade service with Darren from the Chaplaincy Team. All the schools presented what they had been learning about Fair Trade and also sang their chosen song. We presented our findings from our research on Fair Trade products and the countries they came from. Thanks to Darren and the parent helpers that supported us. We are looking forward to Fairtrade Fortnight next week.

We also took part in a Reflective Spaces workshop on the value of the month “Fairness”. Here we thought about places around the world where things were not fair, for whatever reason, and wrote our ideas for a fairer world. We also thought about what fairness means to us.

In maths, we have been focusing on linking multiplication and division and making array patterns and number lines to help us with this. Also, we have started a topic on time and we have been measuring how long a minute is and trying to complete different activities within one minute. We began revising telling the time with o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour.

In language, we learnt some Gaelic words and sang Scottish songs with Mrs Logan. In French, we have learnt about pets and food and how to ask if we like something or not. We now have a lovely new French display about pets and food. In writing, we wrote thank you letters to Darren and the Handball helpers and we finished our internet safety posters.

The fish are growing well and will be released in about 10 days – more details to follow. In our Scotland topic, we located places in Scotland on a map by using atlases and Google maps/earth. In Art, we finished our wave pictures and we learned about cold/warm colours and mixing colours. In P.E., we continued with yoga and also Futsal.

We look forward to an exciting Fairtrade week, next week!

P4a’s active 2 weeks!

Our P4 Handball teams competed in the P4 Cluster Handball Festival recently. We have all been learning handball with Mr Muldoon in P.E. in P4 and the teams had extra practise sessions with some helpers from JYHS. All our teams did really well and won lots of games. We demonstrated good sportsmanship too!

The rest of the class took part in a Fair Trade afternoon workshop where we prepared for our P4 Cluster Fair Trade service which is next week. We split into groups to research Fairtrade products using I-Pads and laptops and find out where they come from. Everyone had a different role in the groups – painting pictures and flags, making PowerPoint slides and writing words for the script. We presented this at the school’s Fair Trade assembly and we are now ready to do it for the other P4 children at the Lanthorn Centre on Tuesday 21st February (please return permission slips asap and parent helpers needed also).

Our Brown Trout are progressing well as alevins and soon they will turn into fry and be ready for release. We are continuing to chill the water with ice bottles twice a day and monitor the temperature.

In Maths, we are now focusing on division and linking this with multiplication and times tables. We have explored division using cubes, pegs, people (!) and other objects and we are developing our understanding by drawing pictures. We have also been using different types of calendars to find special dates and work out how long things are in days and weeks.

In Language, we had a reading assessment to test our comprehension skills in finding facts and opinions, identifying the writer’s purpose and point of view, and finding causes and effects. We studied the Robert Burns poem Willie Wastle and used Scots wordbank sheets , dictionaries and the internet to work out what the Scots words meant. We showed we had understood the poem when we drew a picture of Willie Wastle’s wife and cat. We then wrote our own Scots poems about a “beastie” or animal, again using the Scots wordbank sheets and dictionaries to help. We are also working on the presentation of our writing by re-drafting our work and learning to join letters.

We are busy preparing for Parents Nights next week. We have been setting and evaluating our targets and identifying our next steps in learning. We have also done lots and lots of I-JournAL filing! We look forward to sharing our I-JournALs with our parents and carers soon.


P4a’s Fantastic Week!

We are delighted to announce that most of our Brown Trout eggs have hatched and have turned into alevins. We are doing a good job of looking after them and making sure their tank is cold. Amy from Forth Fisheries visited us and delivered another batch of alevins too – so now we have hundreds!

For the I-Solve morning with parents and carers, we focused on problem-solving strategies. We did some activities and games that required us to work with others to solve a problem. In Number Maths we looked at the 5 and 10 times tables. We discovered that the 5 times table is half of the 10 times table and this can help us to multiply bigger numbers by 5. In Topic Maths, we have been using our calendars and practising finding dates and working out durations of time in days and weeks.

In Language, we wrote a story about our personal experiences of a time when we have had to persevere at something. This linked to the “Value of the Month” for January – Perseverance. In Reading, we focused on identifying facts and opinions in texts.

Futsal has continued with Laura. We practised our dribbling skills and were competing against each other. Soon some P4s will be taking part in a Handball Festival with other schools so this week those involved had a practise session led by pupils from James Young High School. We now have our SHANARRI display up in the classroom – this shows lots of ways that we can keep safe, healthy and happy at home and at school.

Some of us performed at the Scottish Evening – and we were fabulous! Emma did some Highland Dancing, Hailey recited her Scottish poem and our drama group performed Address to the Toothache by Robert Burns.  In Art with Miss Trotter, we started our wave paintings using shades of blue.

Our Skype session with our partner school in Mumbai was a big success! One of our groups presented their poster about saving water, as did a group from P4b. The children in India also presented their work and posters on saving water. It was fantastic to see them and talk to them in real life!

P4a News

We are pleased to announce that we have now received the brown trout fish eggs and they are in our tank! Forth Fisheries delivered the eggs last week and it is now our job to look after them! We have to keep the water cold and we do this by using bottles of ice which we change twice a day. We are looking forward to seeing them grow…

One Day Creative, the drama company, worked with us on Robert Burns’ birthday, 25th January. We took part in a half-day of drama workshop about the life of Robert Burns and Burns Night. We practised our dancing and acting skills and worked together with others. At the end of the day we teamed up with P4b to present a short play to the rest of the school.

We have been learning the Robert Burns poem Address to a Toothache with Mrs Thomson our drama teacher. Some of us will be performing this at the Scottish Evening soon. Well done to our finalists in the P4 Scottish Poetry competition – Hailey, Rocco and Patrick. We are so proud of you all!

In Maths, we have been focusing on developing our problem-solving skills. We have been exploring different strategies for solving problems and working with our peers to share ideas and support each other.

In Futsal, we have continued to practise a variety of skills and we are now playing mini-games. Team spirit is important! We are getting better at participating calmly in our meditation and yoga sessions. We are focusing on our breathing and holding poses for longer.

In Science, we carried out an experiment to see what solids dissolve in water. We made predictions and then tested these out.

We have now finished our posters about saving water and have been presenting these to an audience in our groups. We will soon be sharing our learning with our partner school in Mumbai when we hold a live Skype meeting. One group from our class will present to the children in India in an online meeting and we look forward to seeing their presentations too.

P4a’s busy busy week!

Another busy week in P4a…

In Language, we have been learning our Scottish poems for homework and we have been reciting them in our class competition. We all tried hard to remember the lines, add actions and perform them with expression. We have been giving peer feedback on the good things about the performances and things that we could improve – using 2 Stars and a Wish. We also learned how to write a letter by setting it out with the date and address at the top. The letter was inspired by our class novel Charlotte’s Web and it was to persuade Fern’s Dad or Uncle to let her keep Wilbur the pig.

In Maths, we have continued developing our knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division. Our focus this week was the 2, 4, and 8 times tables and how they are related. We made array patterns at school and home to help us with this. We also did a problem-solving task where we worked with a partner to find solutions using different resources such as blocks and lego.

In our Water Topic, we have been working in our groups to finish our posters about saving water and to prepare our speeches  We are working with our Indian partner school in Mumbai on this topic. The children there have also been preparing campaigns to encourage people to use water wisely. We are hoping to hold an online meeting with them soon to share our ideas.

In Drama with Mrs Thomson, we have learned another Scottish poem called Address to the Toothache by Robert Burns. We have been acting it out in pairs and trios and some of us will be preforming this at the Scottish Evening soon.

In Art with Miss Trotter, we have been learning about the Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai and looking at some of his paintings and prints. We used our brand new sketch books to draw some sketches of our own. We will use these in our art lessons over the next few weeks.

In P.E., we started Futsal lessons with our coach Laura. We practised skills like the step over and drag back and played some team games. In yoga this week we went on a journey to the Arctic and made arctic poses. In Dance, we started our topic on Scottish ceilidh dancing and practised some of the steps while keeping in time to the music. We will be revising some dances we learned in P3 and then learning some new ones.

In French, we had a session with Mrs Kasparek the French Teacher. She helped us learn about food and shopping and asked us to research French sweets. We will have another lesson next week.

Au Revoir!

P4a New Year’s Blog 2017

Happy New Year! We have had a busy start to the year already!

We are taking part in a project to rear Brown Trout. This project is in partnership with Forth Fisheries and Murieston Environmental Group. This week our tank was delivered and set up by Amy and we are now awaiting the arrival of the fish eggs in a couple of weeks. Amy from Forth Fisheries also gave a talk on Brown Trout and how to look after them.

In Maths, our new number topic is multiplication and division. We have been making array patterns and using concrete materials to help us understand these processes further. We should practise our times tables at home so that we have quick recall of times table facts. We will be multiplying and dividing bigger numbers soon and solving problems. Our new maths topic is time and we have started by learning about the calendar – days, months etc.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have started a new project on yoga, meditation and mindfulness. We will be working on this over the next few weeks – to try to improve our focus on learning and to help us relax more. We have also revised the SHANARRI indicators and are making a display about these. SHANARRI helps us to think about our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

We enjoyed sharing our Ziggy road safety storybooks with our P1 friends recently. We also played the road safety board games that we had made with them.

We are still working on our water topic. We are making posters and presentations about saving water that we hope to share these with our partner school in India. Also, we are learning about causes of water problems around the world. We are realising how precious water is and how lucky we are to have running water in our homes and school in Scotland!

In French, we have begun covering pets and how to say if we have one or not and also how to say whether we like something or not. In Science, with Mrs Cameron, we are conducting water experiments. This week we looked at filtration in more detail. We also started lessons with Miss Trotter this week – she will be teaching us art and design this term.

We have a new pet called Flash who is a little puppy. He is helping us to think about how to be caring and kind to others. We are looking forward to moving seats soon….


P4a Christmas Edition

P4a have been busy with lots of fun and exciting Christmas activities. We really enjoyed watching the P1 Nativity dress rehearsal – we thought they were fabulous! We are nearly finished making our Christmas cards which feature a symmetrical Christmas tree. This was the second time we did this activity – some of us found it tricky before – so we did it again to help grow our brains and learn from our mistakes! Thank you to the PSA for treating us to the cinema trip to see Moana – we thought it was great, amazing and exciting – we give it 5 stars! We have been learning more about Christmas in France and some French Christmas words. We have made French Christmas cards too.

In RME, we have enjoyed making video dramas of parts of the Christian Christmas story. These were in the form of news reports. We did such a good job that one will be shown in the school Christmas Service. We have also been thinking about Christmas traditions and customs and identifying which are religious and which are non-religious. We have also been learning about Christmas songs and films and the values that they show. We created surveys to find out everyone’s favourite Christmas song and film – Jingle Bells was our top song and Elf was our top film.

In Language, we have finished transforming our Ziggy road safety stories into books and we look forward to sharing these with our P1 friends in the new year. We have read some more of The BFG and completed character descriptions and comparisons of Sophie and the BFG for our I-JournAL folders.

In Maths, we are getting more confident with identifying and naming 2D and 3D shapes. We have created a shape table with objects we have brought in from home. We have also been practising subtraction strategies and sharing how we solve problems.

Well done to those who received Achievement Certificates – Ross, Josh, Aiden and Kyle.  It has been a great term  in P4a! We hope you have a lovely holiday and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



P4a’s Exciting Week!

In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been discussing their properties and sorting them into groups. We have learned about quadrilaterals and regular/irregular 2D shapes. Our homework for next week is to find an object at home that is a 3D shape and bring it in to show the class. Also we have been working on developing our strategies for subtraction – using number lines, friendly numbers and number bonds. We have had another lesson with the numeracy teacher Mrs Millar – we used bundles of straws to help us with understanding place value and subtraction.

Sadly, we had our last NYCOS Music lesson with Mrs Poynter. We have enjoyed learning musical notes, reading/writing music and playing lots of games and singing lots of songs.Thanks Mrs Poynter! We had our first Futsal lesson for P.E. where we practised our dribbling skills  and quick turns. We had to work closely with our team to compete in some fun games. We have begun a block of drama lessons with the Drama Teacher, Mrs Thomson. We made puppets of our favourite characters and next week we will work in pairs to make a puppet show. In R.M.E. with Mrs Cameron, we have been revising the Christmas story and turning it into a drama sketch. In our groups we are retelling the Christmas story in the form if news reports for Star News and we will be filming these next week. Some of us made scenery and props at home for our drama sketches. Also in R.M.E this week we learned about a Hindu baby naming ceremony and we are busy making a poster for our display. In our Water Topic, we learned about the importance of using water wisely. We discovered lots of ways to save water at home and at school and we will be making posters and presentations about this soon. We read a book about making mistakes and how everyone does this and mistakes are important for learning. This should help us with developing our Growth Mindset.

In Language, we wrote our Road Safety Ziggy stories. We focused on adding connectives and wow words. Next week we will write out these stories and illustrate them  and then read them to P1. The comprehension strategy we are working on at the moment is identifying cause and effect – we will continue next week.

We have begun opening our class advent calendars and we are looking forward to lots of Christmas activities next week like the Christmas lunch and the trip to the cinema!

P4a Road Safety Week

We all enjoyed Road Safety Week in P4a.

We took part in lots of activities. We wrote acrostic poems to tell people the benefits of walking to school. We played a board game and used it as inspiration to invent our own road safety board games. We made word searches with words related to keeping safe and transport. We also played some games on the laptops. See:

In Language we read a Ziggy story all about road safety. The Ziggy stories are for young children and they help them to understand the road safety message in a fun way. We have planned our own Ziggy  stories which we will write next week. We will be trying to included interesting vocabulary and different connectives. We look forward to sharing our stories with road safety messages with the P1 children soon.

In Maths, we recorded all our addition strategies in our Maths Diaries and some of us made posters for our Maths Wall. We started working with Mrs Millar, the Numeracy Teacher, and she is now helping us with our subtraction strategies and linking addition and subtraction processes.  We have been practising doubles (e.g. 25+25) and using these to work out near doubles (e.g. 25+26, 25+24). Some of us took part in the Numeracy Curriculum Evening and enjoyed sharing our addition strategies with our parents as we completed Chilli Challenges and Number Talks. We made symmetrical Christmas trees for our art display. We have started a new topic on 3D and 2D shapes – we will be revising the ones we know and their properties, and then learning some new ones too!

In French, we had a visit from Mrs Kasparek to help us learn about Christmas and winter in France. We now know some French vocabulary for this time of year and also we learned about some French Christmas customs and food. We sang a French Christmas song and played some games. Thank you Mrs Kasparek.

In P.E., we have now finished our Handball block with Mr Muldoon. There will be a P4 Handball Festival in February  – we look forward to that! We now start a block of Futsal with a specialist Futsal coach. We were also lucky to have a Fencing taster workshop this week – we learned the names for the different bits of equipment, how to stand and move and how to be safe. The Fencing after-School Club will be running again from January – hopefully some of us will sing up for this.


Book Week in P4a

We have all enjoyed Book Week! We have been busy planning, designing and making props with a Roald Dahl theme and had great fun using junk modelling to create these. Paired Reading with the Primary 1 pupils gave us the opportunity to use expressive voices when reading aloud. We took part in a drama workshop with the One Day Creative company. The workshop was based on The BFG, our class novel, and we acted out different characters and parts from the story. We made waves and mountains for the BFG and Sophie to journey through and we took on the roles of the giants, the RAF and the army. The book readings on the tannoy were funny and we voted on our favourite book. The most popular in our class was “Shark in the Park”. A 20 minute Silent Reading time was a bit of a challenge for us – but we are pleased to say that we did it! We learned about the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and had a look at our new Reading Passports. We took part in a quiz to find out what types of books are our favourites and we will use this information to help us choose books in the future. We each made a sticker showing our favourite book and took part in the Book Week assembly by singing a song from The BFG film.

The NSPCC visited us on Wednesday and held a special assembly to inform us about children’s rights and how children should be treated by adults and other children. The NSPCC mascot “Buddy the Speech Bubble” helped to give us the message that if you are in trouble or worried about something, that you should speak to a trusted adult. They also told us how to contact Childline if we need help or support. Remember “Speak Out. Stay Safe.”

In Maths this week we have continued with our addition topic. We have been practising doubles up to double 20 and playing games to help us remember these. We have been thinking about all the addition strategies that we can use and recording these in our Maths Diaries – strategies such as making the nearest 10, drawing a number line and using number bonds to add bigger numbers. We had the opportunity to practise these skills to solve “Chilli Challenges” involving addition and subtraction problems – we could decide what level of challenge we felt we could do – mild, hot or spicy. We look forward to sharing some strategies and activities with you at the Numeracy Curriculum Evening on 29th November.